
Showing posts from January, 2025

It's really only been a week....

Today is the 3rd day of the 5th week, the 28th day of the 1st month, the 28th day of 2025 [ with only 330 shopping days until Christmas ], and: AFRMA Fancy Rat & Mouse Day Daisy Day Data Privacy Day Global Community Engagement Day International LEGO Day National Blueberry Pancake Day National Gift of the Ladybug Day National Kazoo Day National Pediatrician Day National Plan for Vacation Day Pop Art Day Rattlesnake Roundup Day Rubber Duckie Day - well it is Ernie's birthday.... Speak Up and Succeed Day Thank a Plugin Developer Day the waning crescent moon 1% of full [tomorrow is the new moon at 7:36 AM] and Voyager 1 is ~23h 04m 26s of light travel time from Earth Quote of the day: " Predication is very difficult, especially if it's about the future. " ~ Niels Bohr - Danish physicist and Nobel Prize winner for his work with atomic structure and quantum theory.    Even though this is not a political blog, I have to acknowledge that the firehose that has been blasti...

Never again

  Quote of the day: “ I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. ” ~ Elie Wiesel (Holocaust Survivor; Nobel Laureate), Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, December 10, 1986

#SilentSunday for 01.26.2025

  The Great Falls on a Saturday morning after the snows Capital Weather Gang photographer Kevin Ambrose.

just rambling

 Today is the 5th day of the 3rd week, the 17th day of the 1st month, the 17th day of 2025, and: Ben Franklin Day - his 319th birthday.  By all accounts he was a bit of a lecher and tippler, albeit a brilliant man and statesman.  I wonder how he would fare today with all his little slips on full display?    Cable Car Day  Customer Service Day Ditch New Year's Resolutions Day Hat Day International Fetish Day International Mentoring Day Judgement Day - Created by a married couple, who argued that you don't have to wait until you die to measure whether or not you measure up to your diety's standards - just look in the mirror and be honest with yourself.    Kid Inventors' Day National Bootlegger's Day National Classy Day National Hot Buttered Rum Day National Hot Heads Chili Day National Rye Whiskey Day Popeye the Sailor Man Day - celebrating his debut appearance back in 1929 and forever enshrining the value of spinach and " I yam what I yam " . ...

#SilentSunday for 01.12.2025

  posted by the Lake Superior basalt shoreline in March 

It's been a long week

Today is the 6th day of the 2nd week, the 10th day of the 1st month, the 10th day of 2025, and: Houseplant Appreciation Day League of Nations Day - the League of Nations was created as part of the Treaty of Versailles which officially ended WWI on ;this day in 1920 National Bittersweet Chocolate Day - you might know it better as "dark" chocolate National Cut Your Energy Costs National Hockey Mom Day National Oysters Rockefeller Day Peculiar People Day  Save the Eagles Day - I can't be the only person surprised when Biden made the eagle the national bird because we thought it was already and Voyager 1 is ~23h 04m 24s of light travel time, or 24,902,000,000 km, or 15,473,000,000 mi, or 166.459 AU from Earth Quote of the day: " If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded ." ~  Maya Angelou - American memorist, poet, and civil rights activist  I don't know about you, but I am finding the news these days very discouraging.  ...

Dear world

 Today is the 3rd day of the 2nd week, the 7th day of the 1st month, the 7th day of 2025, and: Distaff Day Harlem Globetrotter's Day I'm Not Going to Take it Anymore Day International Programmers Day Invisible Pain Day National Bobblehead Day National Old Rock Day National Pass Gas Day National Tempura Day Orthodox Christmas Day and Voyager 1 is ~23h 04m 21s of light travel time from Earth Quote of the day: " Reality leaves a lot to the imagination " ~  John Lennon Dear World: I'm sorry Canada, Greenland, Panama, and Ukraine.  I'm sorry NATO We didn't learn anything from what happened in Germany, and I apologize to them as well for thinking somehow the ordinary folks could've stopped their juggernaut.  Many of us tried and failed. Please don't look away.   Please chronicle what you see because here our media is already whitewashing the past and carefully managing the present perceptions to force their reality upon us, educating our young with prop...

looking backward

 Today is the 2nd day of the 2nd week, the 6th day of the 1st month, the 6th day of 2025, and: Armenian Christmas Apple Tree Day Cuddle Up Day Epiphany Handsel Day I am a Mentor Day National "Thank God it's Monday" day - this is a tough one on the first Monday of a new year, but some folks think it is a good way to start   National Bean Day National King Cake Day National Shortbread Day National Smith Day National Take a Poet to Lunch Day National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day National Technology Day National Weigh-in Day Three Kings Day World Day for War Orphans the moon is in it's first quarter as of 6:56 PM EST and Voyager 1 is ~23h 04m 20s of light travel time from Earth Quote of the day: " So snow comes after fire, and even dragons have their ending! " ~  JRR Tolkien The weekend after New Years is traditionally the day we start taking down all the Christmas decorations and returning our homes to their usual state.  I am always rather wistful as this ...

back from the holidays

 Today is the 5th day of the 1st week, the 2nd day of the 1st month, the 2nd day of 2025, and: 55 MPH Speed Limit Day Happy Mew Year for Cats Day National Buffet Day National Cream Puff Day National Motivation and Inspiration Day National Personal Trainer Awareness Day National Run It Up the Flagpole and See if Anybody Salutes It Day National Science Fiction Day - celebrating the birthday of Isaac Asimov, who started publishing his sci fi in 1933 Pet Travel and Safety Day Stop Spam Day Swiss Cheese Day World Introvert Day the 9th day of the Twelve Days of Christmas - the feast days of St Basil the Great and St Gregory Nazianzen, or nine ladies dancing if you are singing along and Voyager 1 is ~23h 04m 13s of light travel time from Earth Quote of the day: " I've heard there are troubles of more than one kind; some come from ahead, and some come from behind. But I've brought a big bat. I'm all ready, you see; now my troubles are going to have troubles with me! " ~ D...
 Today is the 4th day of the 1st week, the 1st day of the 1st month, the 1st day of 2025 [ with only 357 shopping days until Christmas ], and: Apple Gifting Day Commitment Day Copyright Law Day Ellis Island Day - the new immigration processing facility opened on this day in 1892 Euro Day Global Family Day Independence Day - Brunei from Britain in 1984, Cameroon from France in 1960, Haiti from France in 1804, and Sudan from Britain in 1956  Mummer's Parade National Black-eyed Pea Day National Bloody Mary Day National First-Foot Day - the first person to set foot in your domicile is a bringer of good fortune to you and yours - especially if they are carrying coins, food, or alcoholic beverages National Hangover Day New Year's Day New Year's Dishonor List Day - time to get rid of those overused words and catch phrases Polar Swim Day Public Domain Day - a list of books, films, music, sound recordings, and international works entering common use today   Saint Basil's Day ...