back from the holidays
Today is the 5th day of the 1st week, the 2nd day of the 1st month, the 2nd day of 2025, and:
- 55 MPH Speed Limit Day
- Happy Mew Year for Cats Day
- National Buffet Day
- National Cream Puff Day
- National Motivation and Inspiration Day
- National Personal Trainer Awareness Day
- National Run It Up the Flagpole and See if Anybody Salutes It Day
- National Science Fiction Day - celebrating the birthday of Isaac Asimov, who started publishing his sci fi in 1933
- Pet Travel and Safety Day
- Stop Spam Day
- Swiss Cheese Day
- World Introvert Day
- the 9th day of the Twelve Days of Christmas - the feast days of St Basil the Great and St Gregory Nazianzen, or nine ladies dancing if you are singing along
- and Voyager 1 is ~23h 04m 13s of light travel time from Earth
Quote of the day:
"I've heard there are troubles of more than one kind; some come from ahead, and some come from behind. But I've brought a big bat. I'm all ready, you see; now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!"
~ Dr Seuss
The day after New Years is a bank holiday in Scotland and a public holiday in New Zealand. I could support it becoming a federal holiday hereabouts. I'd settle for a "close the office and everyone work from home" day actually, by which statement you may be able to discern that like the day after Christmas, I sat in our office alone again wondering what was the point?
So the new year could've started out on a more positive note for me. My son went to the ER with difficulty breathing and was admitted. My daughter's household is just not a very peaceful place right now. And there were two terrorist attacks and a spate of shootings and stabbings and injuries from fireworks
Somehow this photo just seemed to very aptly sum it all the fears I harbor of 2025
Of course I have been thinking about resolutions for 2025. Some life style changes I implemented during last year, and I want to stick to them. I've gotten casual about staying in touch with those that I care about, and I want to do better by them this year. I want to blog/journal more. I'm asking myself about the posts that I share on social media and have deliberately stayed away from sharing the political articles that I have read today as I assess just how informative my sharing has been. I wanted this year to be kind - what can I do to make it so?I'll let you all know what I figure out.
Meanwhile, I hope your day goes well for you and yours!
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