
Showing posts from August, 2024

taking a moment to grieve

 Today is the 4th day of the 35th week, the 28th day of the 8th month, the 241st day of 2024, and: Crackers Over the Keyboard Day - yeah, good luck with that!  Remember, you have to clean them out afterwards.... Dream Day Quest and Jubilee - hard to believe it's been 61 years since Martin Luther King gave his famous " I Have A Dream " speech on this day  International Read Comics in Public Day National Bow Tie Day National Cherry Turnovers Day National Power Rangers Day National Sport Sampling Day National Thoughtful Day National Weed Out Hate Day Race Your Mouse Around the Icons Day - a copyrighted holiday developed by  I always thought it was a sly dig at those who have very cluttered desktops Radio Commercial Day - and we have been listening to them for 102 years    Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day Red Wine Day Willing-To-Lend-A-Hand Wednesday  Quote of the day : ~ Kate Johnson, “ Making the First Move ” " There is far more love available to us in any

only 13 days....

 Today is the 3rd day of the 35th week, the 27th day of the 8th month. the 240th day of 2024 [only 119 shopping days left before Christmas], and: "The Duchess" Who Wasn't Day - celebration of a 19th century Irish romance novelist who coined the phrase " Beauty is on the eye of the beholder "    Independence Day - Moldova from the USSR in 1991 Just Because Day - celebrated since the late 1950's, it was started by Joseph J Goodwin of Los Gatos CA who gave his wife a radio on this day for no reason in particular  Kiss Me Day National Banana Lovers Day National Cinema Day National Peach Day National Petroleum Day National Pots de Crème Day - don't think I have ever had it, but it does sound ymmy Tarzan Day - no it is not Johnny Weissmuller's birthday, but the celebration of the first time "Tarzan of the Apes" swung into print via a serial published in the pulp magazine All-Story in 1912 Touch-A-Heart Tuesday World Rock Paper Scissors Day   Q

M - 18 and fretting

 Today is the 5th day of the 34th week, the 22nd day of the 8th month, the 235th day of 2024, and: Be An Angel Day International Day Commemorating The Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief National BAO Day National Surgical Oncologist Day National Pecan Torte Day National Tooth Fairy Day Never Bean Better Day Southern Hemisphere Hoodie Hoo Day Take Your Cat to the Vet Day World Plant Milk Day Quote of the day: " With practice, we can learn to be like a rainbow, holding both the weight and sadness of rain and the joy and warmth of the sun. " ~  Mark Van Buren, “ Everyone Wants to Save the World, But No One Wants to Help Mom Do the Dishes ” Tomorrow I am taking off from work.  The good news is this is a short work week and I have a three day weekend coming up! The bad news is that I am taking off because my IKEA furniture should be delivered to the new apartment tomorrow.   Back when I was convinced to get a full two bedroom apartment, so that the kids could c

M - 20 days and counting

 Today is the 3rd day of the 34th week, the 20th day of the 8th month, the 233rd day of 2024 [ with only 126 shopping days until Christmas ], and: Akshay Urja Day Independence Day - Estonia from the Soviet Union in 1991 [again] International Day of Medical Transporters Meitei Language Day - AKA Manipuri Language Day, the day on which Meitei (Manipuri) was included in the scheduled languages' list and made one of the official languages of India National Accessible Air Travel Day National Bacon Lover's Day National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day National Hawaiian Pizza Day - yes pineapple belongs on pizza with ham   National Lemonade Day National Radio Day Virtual Worlds Day  - celebrated since 2008, although Second LIfe [which is NOT a life simulation game like the Sims] started in June of 2003 World Mosquito Day  Quote of the day : " The ability to delude yourself may be an important survival tool. " ~ Jane Wagner - American writer, director, and producer who writes material

M - 21 days and counting

 Today is the 2nd day of the 34th week, the 19th day of the 8th month, the 232nd day of 2024], and: Black Cow Root Beer Float Day - A&W Root Beer had their day back on the 6th.  Frank J Wisner of the Cripple Creek Brewing Co started serving root beer floats back in 1893. Coco Chanel Day Cupcake Day - this is celebrated in Australia, but hey, who doesn't like cupcakes? Great Bird of the Galaxy Day Independence Day - Afghanistan  from Great Britain in 1919 International Bow Day -  the kind of bow you put in your hair, not the kind you use to play a string instrument.    International Orangutan Day International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day - celebrated on the birthday of the actor Ahmed Best, the actor behind one of the most divisive characters in the Star Wars prequel National Aviation Day National Hot and Spicy Food Day National Potato Day National Sandcastle and Sculpture Day National Soft Ice Cream Day Stay Home With Your Kids Day Tu B'Av - observed the 15th of Av in t

M - something and counting

 Today is the 6th day of the 33rd week, the 16th day of the 8th month, the 229th day of 2024, and: Joe Miller's Jest Day - celebrates the publication of the first joke book back in 1739 National Airborne Day National Bratwurst Day National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence National Energy Multiplier Day National Kool-Aid Day - neither I nor either of my kids nor my grandkids ever liked the stuff National Men's Grooming Day National Roller Coaster Day National Rum Day National Tell a Joke Day Surveillance Day True Love Forever Day and Voyager 1 is 22h 44m 11s of light travel time from Earth Quote of the day: " Being alone with fear can rapidly turn into panic. Being alone with frustration can rapidly turn into anger. Being alone with disappointment can rapid turn into discouragement and, even worse, despair ." ~  Mark Goulston - American psychiatrist, executive coach, and consultant Well I'm confused on how to proceed with the countdown.   Monday, Septem

M - 27 and counting

 Today is the 5th day of the 33rd week, the 15th day of the 9th month, the 228th day of 2024, and: Best Friends Day Chant at the Moon Day - today it is in the waxing gibbous phase, 78% of full Chauvin Day  Feast of the Assumption of Mary - a holy day of obligation for Catholics and a public holiday in several countries Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos - an Easter Orthodox holiday celebrated in several countries Green Data Day I Love Cowboys and Cowgirls Day Independence Day - Korea from Japan in 1945.  Known as "Independence Day" in South Korea and "Fatherland Liberation Day" in North Korea National Acadian Day National Back to School Prep Day National Best Friends Day National Check the Chip Day - have you had your pet microchipped?  Is it still working?  Ask your vet to scan it the next time you are there National Failures Day National Hazy IPA Day National Leathercraft Day National Lemon Meringue Pie Day National No SpongeBob Day National Relaxation Day an

M - 28 and counting

 Today is the 4th day of the 33rd week, the 14th day of the 8th month, the 227th day of 2024 [ with only 132 shopping days until Christmas ], and:  Color Book Day - neither of my grandkids has ever been as much into coloring as I was at their ages.  Grandmom Riley and I used to sit at the table and color together a lot!  Of course, they aren't as much into card games and playing checkers as I was either Congressional Startup Day Falklands Day - the celebration of the first sighting of the Falkland Islands by John Davis in 1592 Independence Day - Pakistan from the UK in 1947 Military Marrange Day National Creamsicle Day National Financial Awareness Day National Lizard Day National Navajo Code Talkers Day National Tattoo Removal Day National Wiffle Ball Day Romance Awareness Day Social Security Day - 89 years ago, FDR signed the Social Security Act into law .  It was two years later in 1937 when the first taxes were collected and the regular monthly payments started in January 1940