M - 28 and counting

 Today is the 4th day of the 33rd week, the 14th day of the 8th month, the 227th day of 2024 [with only 132 shopping days until Christmas], and: 

  • Color Book Day - neither of my grandkids has ever been as much into coloring as I was at their ages.  Grandmom Riley and I used to sit at the table and color together a lot!  Of course, they aren't as much into card games and playing checkers as I was either
  • Congressional Startup Day
  • Falklands Day - the celebration of the first sighting of the Falkland Islands by John Davis in 1592
  • Independence Day - Pakistan from the UK in 1947
  • Military Marrange Day
  • National Creamsicle Day
  • National Financial Awareness Day
  • National Lizard Day
  • National Navajo Code Talkers Day
  • National Tattoo Removal Day
  • National Wiffle Ball Day
  • Romance Awareness Day
  • Social Security Day - 89 years ago, FDR signed the Social Security Act into law.  It was two years later in 1937 when the first taxes were collected and the regular monthly payments started in January 1940.  In 1964, Barry Goldwater kicked off the GOP campaign against "Welfarism" [Social Security and Medicate]., and the GOP has been trying to limit it, privatize it, or just get rid of it
  • V-J Day
  • World Calligraphy Day
  • and Voyager I is 46 Yrs 11 Mos 09 Days and 15,249,510,298 mi / 24,541,715,513 km / 164.05123548 AU from the Earth 
Quote of the day:
"Often, we think that we have to do something grandiose, but if we can’t be nonviolent to ourselves and to each other, then we’re not going to have a nonviolent world."
~  Konda Mason, “Konda Mason on Compassionate Activism

The first thing to catch my attention today was this summation of the startling news that there is an ocean of water on Mars.  There may indeed be water, but we actually are just postulating based on data and it is deep enough that no one will be able to tap it

I have wondered now and then what I would do if given the stark alternative Musk presented all Twitter employees when he swept in.  I don't think I would've clicked "yes" without knowing what I was signing up for either.  The self-proclaimed "free speech absolutist" is starting to run into problems by running his mouth indiscriminately and putting his money where his mouth is.   

Despite the fact the card says it is not to be used for identification, Social Security numbers used to be used pretty freely - in fact, at Towson State College [which later became TSU], your student ID number was your social security number.  Nowadays?  I guess we weren't as worried about identity theft back then as we are now.   Apparently the only way you will be warned if your number was stolen is if you find that someone else is using it, which isn't a very satisfactory course of action.

Donnie sure is mad that he isn't running against Joe anymore!  But his claims that Kamala is somehow not the "legitimate" candidate aren't going to fly - but let's face it, if he doesn't win then he is going to contest the election just as persistently as he has promoted the Big Lie about 2020.  And he is apparently really unhappy that he doesn't get to shoot off his mouth as much as he would like to do when it comes to those 34 convictions....  Meanwhile, Kamala is not pulling any punches and I have to say I like the way she is confronting the old man.  And seriously, Donnie needs to stop listening to Laura Loomer, altho having him post such blatant falsehoods and made-up stories is a pretty good indication of what he really thinks.  And I'm sorry, after the constant drip of misinformation from hacked emails that flooded the public right before the election in 2016, I'm finding the new morality of the media in not sharing the Trump documents rather hypocritical.  I'll bet money if they dig up dirt on Kamala or Tim, the GOP will go public with it instantly

Immigration and mass deportations are in the news a lot.  This essay by Noah Smith is a long read, but it makes some very good points:  https://open.substack.com/pub/noahpinion/p/mass-deportation-would-accomplish?r=4ge5d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email.  Imagine feeling like you would need to keep your citizenship papers with you at all times so you feel like you aren't in danger of being swept up in a raid!?

And, speaking of immigration, Congress has totally failed to do anything to help the Afghan evacuees after the US withdrew from Kabul.  

The GOP keeps hoping abortion as an issue will go away.  Joyce Vance points out that it will not because women's health care is threatened

It's about time someone is working on cleaning up all the litter that is around Earth!

One thing I learned quickly working in community banking - they were quick to give you a title and new responsibilities, but not so quick to translate that into a pay increase.  I agree with Gen Z - you want to move me up, pay me.  


I really need to stop reading the news....

A reminder from the wilds of Facebook....  The problem I have is that too many of my issues are not only out of the area of my control, and not even in my sphere of influence!  Both of my kids live with pain and sickness every day of their lives and the only thing I can do for them is pray for them, listen to them, and love them.

This move is scaring me - no matter how much I try to do things I am mortally afraid that I am just not doing enough.  And I keep looking out from my balcony and mourning the loss of the view.  Silly I know, but that balcony has been so much a part of my life, especially during the COVID shutdowns, that I am convinced I am going to really miss it

Yes, I am still in total panic over this relocation.  The last move was such a nightmare and I just cannot live with boxes for over a year or have a Disaster Area this time!  

I am worried about Triscuit as well.    Poor little thing, she got bounced around so much before she came to live with me!  I know boarding at the vet's is going to be traumatic for her [not to mention expensive for me].  She's going to have to adjust to an entirely new home, an entirely new routine, when I bring her back.  I'm making a point to keep her old litter box, her cat fountain, and her feeding dishes, and will scatter her toys about to try and help, but I don't know how else to make her feel better, especially since I am going to be working on adjusting myself.  I don't even know if there will be a sunbeam for her to recharge in!

And then there is the money.  This move is costing thousands of dollars, far more than I expected, and my monthly living expenses are increasing by $1500.  I keep assuring myself that this is something I had been saving for, and that as long as I am working, I can do this, but there is a knot in my chest every time I start thinking about it.  

20 days until I take off to spend a week just packing. 

26 days until the mover's packers come 

27 days until all the furniture is picked up

28 days until the new place is fully furnished


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