the first Friday of May

Today is the 6th day of the 18th week, the 3rd day of the 5th month, the 124th day of 2024 [with only 235 shopping days until Christmas], and:

  • Dandelion Day
  • Fiesta de las Cruces - AKA Finding of the Holy Cross 
  • Garden Meditation Day
  • International Sauvignon Blanc Day
  • International Space Day
  • International Tuba Day
  • National Bike and Roll To School Day
  • National Chocolate Custard Day
  • National Lumpy Rug Day
  • National Montana Day
  • National Raspberry Popover Day
  • National SAN Architect Day
  • National Specially-abled Pets Day
  • National Textiles Day
  • National Two Different Colored Shoes Day - I had a particular set of heels that I found very comfortable, so I had them in different colors, including black and dark navy.  And yes, more than once, I found myself with mismatched shoes, which is why I started keeping all my shoes in their shoeboxes! 
  • No Pants Day - even tho it is much easier to celebrate this when working from home, I usually find it more comfortable even on hot days to wear pants rather than deal with sticking to things....  It always fascinated me to go to a park and see the girls getting on rides with their cute little shorts or sundresses! After a bit, my daughter decided at some point she was tired of sticking to the rides too.  
  • Paranormal Day
  • Public Radio Day
  • School Lunch Hero Day 
  • Sun Day
  • Wild Koala Day
  • Worldsmith Day
  • World Press Freedom Day
  • World Textile Day
  • and Voyager 1 is 46 Yrs 07 Mos 28 Days and 15,125,551,643 mi/24,342,223,316 km/162.71771251 AU, or 22h 32m 36s of light travel time from Earth

Quote of the day:
"Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge.  Others just gargle."
~ Robert Anthony - motivational and public speaker, professional prosthetic educator and founder of "Limb Possible" 

So, what is going on today?

Well the reconcilements and reports went fairly smoothly this EOM, and we hope to have everything out the door by close of business today, or at least by the end of Monday, which is pretty cool

Speaking of cool, there is a very welcome respite in the summer weather today, and I am finally getting the apartment cooled down from the ridiculously high temperatures of the past week.  The sun was very bright in the morning, but it is clouding over quickly and there is rain forecast throughout the weekend.  Of course, having the windows wide open all night with fans running is not the most effective way to manage the current high pollen levels....   At least the humidity wasn't as high as the mercury, so some sleep was possible during the heat spell, but I am really looking forward to a couple of cooler days and nights.

Management reacted very quickly when I reported the lock on my door handle had stopped working.  I had to get it replaced after locking myself out and the gentleman who put the new lock in had problems because mine is one of the original doors, and the locks were obviously made for handles that were much closer to the edge than mine was.  In addition, the door and frame are both slightly warped after the firemen broke it down [it fascinates me in retrospect that I stuck to my #SlilentSunday mode even with such a tale to tell].  But he made it work, even tho it was very stiff and sometimes I had to slam the door to get it to catch.  At least it worked until Wednesday, when I discovered as I left for work that it was not locking.  Yesterday, when I got home, I put in a ticket to have it fixed - I had waited until I knew I would be home.  The same gentleman returned to fix it, and I was amused when he complained about the shoddy job done by the previous man without realizing it was him!  Anyway, it locks now, more or less, and since I have a deadbolt that I always lock when leaving for more than a few minutes, it should be fine.....

Triscuit has decided that taking pills is a very bad idea.  She held the monthly dose of anti flea/tick meds in her mouth for a good five minutes and spit it out on the bedroom floor.  Tomorrow I have to coral her and give her the second dose of anti-worm meds.  I am not looking forward to it [understatement, she may not bite and she is front-paw declawed, but her back claws sliced open my arm with the first dose two weeks ago and it still has not completely healed up.]

And that is the state of Carol as the year seems to roll by at an accelerated rate.



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