another month slips past
Today is the 5th day of the 13th week, the 28th day of the 3rd month, the 88th day of 2024, and: Barnum & Bailey DAy Children's Picture Book Day Eat an Edy's Pie Day Maundy Thursday National Black Forest Cake Day National Hot Tub Day National Something on a Stick Day National Triglycerides Day Piano Day Respect Your Cat Day Weed Appreciation Day World Piano Day Quote of the day: " Never put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow ." ~ Mark Twain The day did not begin well. Last night last night when I got home [ Wednesdays being an "in the office" day, as is today ], there was a huge pickup truck parked in the space next to mine, well over the line. I spent almost 10 minutes trying to jockey my way into my space, and then gave up. I chose to park along a wall that is marked "no parking" but is always full of cars rather than chance taking another person's parking spot. It was a huge mistake The pipe above the pa...