another month slips past
Today is the 5th day of the 13th week, the 28th day of the 3rd month, the 88th day of 2024, and:
- Barnum & Bailey DAy
- Children's Picture Book Day
- Eat an Edy's Pie Day
- Maundy Thursday
- National Black Forest Cake Day
- National Hot Tub Day
- National Something on a Stick Day
- National Triglycerides Day
- Piano Day
- Respect Your Cat Day
- Weed Appreciation Day
- World Piano Day
Quote of the day:
"Never put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow."
~ Mark Twain
Last night last night when I got home [Wednesdays being an "in the office" day, as is today], there was a huge pickup truck parked in the space next to mine, well over the line. I spent almost 10 minutes trying to jockey my way into my space, and then gave up. I chose to park along a wall that is marked "no parking" but is always full of cars rather than chance taking another person's parking spot.
It was a huge mistake
The pipe above the parking space leaked from the rain, and I now have streaks of something down both doors on the driver's side. I stopped by my gas station and asked if they would hose it off for me, remembering how my other car's paint had been ruined by such a leak. To my dismay, it did not come off even with rubbing compound - apparently even though it had only been there overnight, the paint appears to be permanently damaged. I now have to pay a body shop to get the two doors painted and meanwhile it looks like crap. Can't even blame the management company - the spaces there clearly say "no parking"
Another lesson learned: Yesterday I gave up and went to see my GP. Last month I had broken out in a horrible itchy red rash, and thanks to Dr Google, had pinpointed the cause as the vitamin supplement I had been taking. Apparently if you take K2 [which I had started taking to promote nerve health after reading about it online] while taking D3 [recommended by my doctor], some people have issues. When I pointed out that I had the K2 on my medications list, but no one mentioned the conflict, the nurse practitioner just shook her head that once again, I was having that kind of "very rare" severe reaction. I was worried about being around my immunocompromised daughter and my granddaughters with the rash coating my arms and chest, so I have been staying away, but I did want to go over for Easter. Apparently I'm cleared as not having anything catching. The NP gave me a stronger lotion prescription, but stopped short of another course of steroids.
That wasn't the most discouraging thing about the visit, though. When weighed, I haven't lost a pound, despite eating very lightly for the past 2 - 3 weeks and increasing my activity levels. Not that I have actually been dieting mind you, just haven't been hungry and just don't feel like eating.
Tomorrow is the last business day of the month and first quarter. And still the auditors are asking questions about 2023! I finally got all the required reporting completed at least.
And I know I have been quiet. And yes that is not a good sign. I find myself finding reasons to avoid posting here. I have not been keeping in touch with friends.
I did enjoy taking off those couple of days last week and plan to take more time the second week of April. My daughter and I had hoped to visit my son this spring, but that hasn't seemed to work out with his and his roommates' schedules
The moodiness always hits this time of year and yes it will pass
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