two years ago #PandaWatch

Today is the 2nd day of the 10th week, the 4th day of the 3rd month, the 64th day of 2023 [with only 295 shopping days until Christmas], and:

  • Benjamin Harrison Day
  • Brain Injury Awareness Day
  • Casimir Pulaski Day
  • Courageous Follower Day
  • Fun Facts About Names Day
  • Holy Experiment Day
  • Hug a GI Day
  • International GM's Day
  • International Scrapbooking Industry Day
  • March Forth
  • Marching Music Day
  • National Backcountry Ski Day
  • National Dance the Waltz Day
  • National Grammar Day
  • National Pound Cake Day
  • National Snack Day
  • National Sons Day
  • Old Inauguration Day
  • Toy Soldier Day
  • World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development
  • World Obesity Day
  • World Tennis Day
  • and Voyager 1 is 22h 33m 46s of light travel time from Earth 

Quote of the day:
"Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge."

Today Facebook's memories reminded me that two years ago, March 4th was a Friday.  I had taken off from work to take Panda to the vet's once again because she was having problems with both urination and pooping.  Panda had been sick throughout the fall and winter, and we couldn't seem to figure out how to help her.  Always a tiny thing, she had lost half her weight and was starting to get shaky.  The vet had tried medication.  We thought perhaps it was an allergic reaction to the thyroid food and put her through the RadioCat procedure.  Sometimes what was done seemed to help temporarily, but the next month, we'd be back at the vet's.

Today, two years ago, Panda was obviously in a great deal of discomfort, hiding under the secretary as if she could somehow escape whatever was tormenting her insides.  She came home doped up on a cocktail of antibiotics [in case there is an intestinal infection], steroids [in case of inflammation], hydration, soothers, and an appetite stimulant - basically a Hail Mary move to try and let nature take its healing course   It didn't work.  

I spent the weekend sleeping on the couch because she was trying so hard to rest on her fav perch, but would wake up every half hour or so crying and I wanted her to know she was not alone in the dark.   She was so exhausted....

On Monday morning, March 7th,  the sun came out for the first time in a couple of days, and even though sunlight was a bit thin, it was warm enough to open the balcony door for a bit.  

I was so glad that Panda got to visit with her sunbeam, watch the birds and breathe in the fresh air before making yet another trip to the vet.  After the horrible weekend, I knew the chances were that she would not be coming back with me that afternoon.  

The vet realized we had not tested her gall bladder, and thought perhaps this was the problem - laying out a course of treatment and tests.  I was cradling my poor little Panda and looked up at the vet and quietly asked how much pain / discomfort these treatments would cause.  The vet looked at her, and just shook her head - and the decision was made.   She curled up in my arms, gave a sigh of relief when the tranquillizer was given to her, and started dozing off, making the transition very quietly, between one breath and the next.   

Panda was 9 when she joined me and we were together for five years.  She had the softest fur I have ever felt in a cat and was a loving little soul.  Without her company and comfort, I don't know how I would've managed through all the long months of the shut down.  

I'm sure Panda was very happy to be reunited with the woman who raised her from a kitten after she crossed the rainbow bridge, but I hope they both know how much I cared about and miss her.  


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