a retrospect of my babbling

 Today is the 3rd day of the 6th week, the 6th day of the 2nd month, the 37th day of 2024, and:

  • African American Coaches Day
  • Canadian Maple Syrup Day
  • International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation
  • International Eggplant Day
  • Lame Duck Day
  • National Chopsticks Day
  • National Frozen Yogurt Day
  • Pay-A-Compliment Day
  • Play Monopoly Day
  • Ronald Reagan Day - ain't no way I am celebrating anything to do with the president who decimated the middle class and ensconced trickledown economics into government policy 
  • Safer Internet Day
  • Wear Orange Day - Teen Dating Violence Awareness
  • and Voyager 1 is 22h 34m 36s of light travel time from Earth

Quote of the day:
" There are years that ask questions and years that answer ."
~ Zora Neale Hurston - american author, anthropologist, and filmmaker 

I used to do this all the time -- I have had blogs, both professional and personal. And the WIKI site that I maintained for many years became a valued resource for professional banking and KM links as well as a vital part of my job-seeking profile. All four were part of my personal brand, my footprint online and in RL and when I lost them, it took the heart out of me....

The professional blog was named "Banking on Tomorrow". A friend gave me the space on his beta site as he was developing a professional product and I found I really enjoyed blogging. It was many pages of resources, articles and presentations that I had written, information that I had found, reflections... Never had that much traffic, but the audience was slowly building. But when Garsett switched over to a new server, I followed the instructions for back up -- and it didn't work. And when it vanished he learned that he didn't have any backups. Four or five years of work -- gone

The personal blog was just named "beladona." It was hosted by VERIZON. On it was the story of what happened when Frank died. The post after visiting the cemetery and arranging for the burial was a cry of pain that got some attention online. But when I discontinued the DSL service, I tried to back it up -- and this one was my fault, the back up didn't work. VERIZON pulled the plug and deleted everything. Gone.

The first WIKI was with Denham Grey's KM pages -- again I was riding on a friend's beta site. When he discontinued, I moved to another WIKI, but I didn't transfer all of the pages. That WIKI went to a paid subscription site model last year and I no longer have access to it.  Gone

Finally, 13 years ago on March 3rd, I stated a new public blog by summarizing the history I have just related, reflecting on how much was lost [I especially regret never having saved the SWS community thread "As the Bank Turns"], and commenting that I would try again after using Penzu for private journaling.  I chose CeoExpress because blogging was a new option they were offering, and I was a charter member from back when they were a free service and I stayed there until last year, altho I did check out the possibility of public blogging on Penzu back in 2015.  I liked the website, and supporting the company, but there were all kinds of problems with sharing pictures and urls that resulted in some pretty strange results.  So, when they stopped forwarding my posts to subscribers, I decided to move over here last year in the midst of my "write everyday" experiment. 

I have the rights to bankingontomorrow.com but have never gotten around to setting up the website.  Someday I will do so and move the entire blog over there.  And just in case, I have a substack account as well so if Google pulls the plug on Blogger, as they have so many other popular applications, I have an instant place to go.... 

And here we are


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