Moving - day 2 of 3

Today is the 3rd day of the 37th week, the 10th day of the 9th month, and the 254th day of 2024.

The world is quiet this morning - well as quiet as it gets hereabouts.  I am up an hour before the sun, and before my alarm goes off, unable to sleep even though it was past midnight when I finally made myself go to bed.

Last week was a whirl.  Packing was a difficult task, made so much easier by my daughter and grandson, both of whom devoted about six hours of their days for three days to helping me.  I didn't make as many trips back and forth to the new place as I thought I would, or maybe that I should've 

Yesterday was a whirl.  Getting Triscuit to the vet proved as difficult as I feared, but that was my fault.  I got her in the crate easily enough by trapping her while she was eating, but like an idiot, failed to make sure the carrier was all zipped up and she escaped.  Took me a half an hour to catch her, and then I ended up bullying her.  Not a pleasant memory for her to take to the vet, where she will be staying for the next week.  I'm glad that I decided to board her though, those five packers descended onto the apartment like locusts and in three hours packed everything up.  She would've been terrified and it would've been hard to work around having to keep closet doors and the Disaster Area closed off.   I answered questions and stayed out of the way, pretty much just sitting at my desk with this laptop.  They had planned to be here the entire day, and had brought a lot of packing materials, but were surprised to find out that 80% of the place was already packed up.  They left me with boxes stacked high - an entire life so easily disposed of.  And with a box that I could use to pack up my bedding in, but I'm going to use it for the last of the cat things.

After they left, I wandered about the place like a ghost.  I realized that I had forgotten to keep aside any silverware, so I ended up ordering from Five Guys - the first thing other than crackers I had eaten all day.  Afterwards I stretched out on the couch and took about an hour nap.  Then it was rush hour, so I didn't feel like driving to the new place, and I just wandered about.  Took trash out, took recycling downstairs.  Checked my mailbox while I was down there.  Piddled about, then finally took a hot shower and sat and watched mindless TV to distract myself.

This morning is a few moments of time to myself.  ..The movers are due between 8 AM and 9 AM.  I am so worried about that elevator - yesterday there were two working and I just hope there are still two working today.  The place will be emptied except for a few things in the Disaster Area and the bedroom.  Only three things are coming out of the bedroom - the red maple chest of drawers that I grew up with, the media center, and Grandmom Hughes' sewing machine.   The rest is staying, to be donated.  That's next week's problem, coordinating getting that out of here.

I don't know where I am going to be sleeping tonight, it all depends on how late the movers finish up.  The coordinator told me he is sending two trucks and I think one will be filled with boxes!  I have several things that will need to go with me when I leave here:  the bedding that I am sleeping on, the clothing I saved out of the move, a couple jewelry boxes, mediations, the lap top, and some odds/ends that I have been using.    

Will I be making trips back and forth to the car this evening or very early tomorrow morning?  I don't know.  All I do know is that I have to be at the new place no later than 8:30 AM and ready for the movers to arrive.

This may be the last sunrise that I will enjoy as #theviewfromthebalcony  

I loved my apartment, my home.  I wish I could've stayed here....


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