Say 19 - another snowstorm

 Today is the 6th day of the 3rd week, the 19th day of the 1st month, the 19th day of 2024, and:

  • Artist as Outlaw Day
  • Bald Eagle Appreciation Day
  • Brew a Potion Day
  • Good Memory Day
  • Gun Appreciation Day
  • Hat Day
  • International Fetish Day
  • National Popcorn Day
  • New Friends Day
  • Tenderness Toward Existence Day
  • Theophany / Epiphany - Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy
  • Tin Can Day
  • World Day of Migrants and Refugees 
  • World Quark Day - founded in 2019 
  • and Voyager 1 is 22h 34m 47s of light travel time from Earth

Quote of the day:
"A man should always consider how much he has more than he wants."
~  Joseph Addison [1672-1719], English essayist, poet, playwright, and politician 

Being a Trekkie of long standing, my first thought was, of course, of Deep Space 9 and one of the main characters on the show    

Amused, I shook my head and realized that if a day had been devoted to this character, my various fan feeds would've lit up.

So, then quite logically,  I made the assumption the day was celebrating the particle that physics has been exploring since the 1960's.  After all, the current theory is that all matter is made of quarks, and they come in many different flavours - up, down, charm strange, top, and bottom [and apparently or possibly wild] - and physicists have been trying to locate them for decades 

Wrong again

Quark, it seems, is a type of soft cheese made from sour milk that looks a lot like cottage cheese, is high in protein and fat-free, and appears to be the latest health food craze, replacing yogurt.  It's very rare in the US, though some grocery chains do carry it.  

Now the Ferengi would definitely be willing to sell it, although the markup might make the price a bit high....

Creating a "holiday" is a pretty easy process on the whole if you are just putting something on the calendar to celebrate - all you have to do is get buy in for your idea and get on a list somewhere, and a new celebration is born.  Some of them are amusing, and that is why I list them on my blog.   

It actually felt strange not to post while I was ill, even though I had not made a resolution to do so every day this year, and there were times even when I felt the worst, when I considered writing.  Hopefully this means the 2023 exercise will result in my continuing to blog frequently!

As for my bout with COVID, I am back to work [from home thankfully] and still tire out very easily.  I continue to feel rather light-headed, am quite congested, and my appetite is still off.  I still have no idea where or how or from whom I contracted it after staving it off for so long.  I haven't tested again, preferring to isolate as much as possible and double masking when I have ventured out of the apartment so I don't infect anyone else.   Bossman closed the office this week, and since my direct report came down with it on Monday, I'm wistfully hoping he closes it next week as well.

Today we are getting our second snowstorm in a week.  All the schools are closed and it is supposed to snow throughout the day.  I've accumulated a couple of inches on the balcony, and am very glad my car is in the garage.  It's a good day to be home.


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