Day 3 - back in the office again

 Today is the 4th day of the 1st week, the 3rd day of the 1st month, the 3rd day of the New Year [with only 356 shopping days until Christmas], and:

  • Festival of Sleep DAy
  • Humiliation Day
  • JRR Tolkien Day
  • Memento Mori [or Remember You Die Day]
  • National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day
  • National Drinking Straw Day
  • National Write to Congress Day
  • Tamaseseri Festival 
  • Women Rock! Day
  • the last quarter of the moon at 10:32 PM EST  
  • the tenth day of the Twelve Days of Christmas - 10 lords aleaping....
  • and Voyager 1 is 22h 34m 32s of light travel time from Earth

Quote of the day:
"The best way to enjoy your job is to imagine yourself without one."
~  Oscar Wilde

The morning commute was actually pretty easy, altho I did grumble about the waste of time and energy.

Being in the office?  Between interruptions, a printer that just simply refused to print [that took about two hours for the IT and printer support person to figure out why the network stopped recognizing our device and entailed them logging into my computer here in the office], and just plain discomfort caused by the new LED lights the landlord installed...   Nice to catch up with folks but otherwise WFH would've been more productive.

Been a long day.  

Not a bad day by any means, just a long day slogging through the EOY/EOQ/EOY.  Still, I'm glad I have a job and plan to keep it as long as my health holds out because retirement on a 401K + Social Security just ain't that easy when you like your creature comforts!

However, work doesn't leave much time or energy to detox in the evening, but that's because I'm getting too old to stay up as late as I used to!  I laugh at my granddaughters telling me that no one is going to tell them when to go to bed when they grow up because I said the same thing to my mother and here I am.


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