day 357 - the holiday for the rest of us

 Today is the 7th day of the 51st week, the 23rd day of the 12th month, the 357th day of 2023, and:

  • Festivus - going strong for 57 years now [before Seinfeld even] 
  • Christmas Adam - the day before Christmas Eve
  • HumanLight - celebrated by humanists
  • Metric Conversion Day
  • National Bake Day
  • National Pfeffernusse Day - for a long time I couldn't understand why they didn't taste like Grandmom Hughes' snowballs, and then I found out she didn't make them, she did Russian Teacakes.  
  • National Roots Day
  • Super Saturday - always the last Saturday before Christmas, still a huge shopping day and grocery stores will be particularly busy
  • and Voyager 1 is 22h 34m 06s of light travel time from Earth

Quote of the day:
" He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree. "
~  Roy L. Smith, American clergyman and syndicated newspaper columnist

Decorations in Second Life:

Christmas Cabin in Nowhereville

Bela coming home from shopping

Decorating in world is easy - all I have to do is locate the item in my inventory, click and put it out [with some editing to move it into the position I want].  Most importantly?  undecorating is even easier.  To undecorate, all I have to do is point and click and either 'delete' or 'take' [depending whether or not the item is able to be copied] - the item immediately returns to my inventory.

Decorating in RL is more difficult.  I finally managed to get the tree up this afternoon, altho I didn't do much else other than spread the two Christmas afghans on Grandmom's table and the coffee table.

Tomorrow I will spend the afternoon with the family, treating them to dinner at the Iron Bridge Wine Company.  A favorite eatery, I made the reservations back the weekend after Thanksgiving to get in on Christmas Eve.

Only two more sleeps until the big day!


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