Day 349 - recuperating

 Today is the 6th day of the 50th week, the 15th day of the 12th month, the 349th day of this babble experiment, and:

  • Bill of Rights Day
  • Cat Herder's Day
  • International Tea Day
  • National Cupcake Day
  • National Gingerbread Latte Day
  • National Lemon Cupcake Day
  • National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
  • National Wear Your Pearls Day
  • Underdog Day
  • Zamenhof Day
  • and Voyager 1 is 22h 33m 38s of light travel time from Earth

Quote of the day:
" The whole point of getting things done is knowing what to leave undone. "
~ Oswald Chambers, Scottish Baptist evangelist and teacher aligned with the Holiness Movement

Today the list of things I haven't done is much longer than the list of things I have accomplished.  I need to rest after vacationing   I mean, I liked traveling [well accept for dealing with getting to and home from BWI which always stresses me out] and I loved seeing my kids together, even while acknowledging that we don't know when we will be able to all be together again.

I went downstairs and got milk for my chai, and picked up the mail.  I called the doctor's office and told them the reason Walgreen's didn't fill my prescription [not that they told me that, which means nothing has been done for a week and a half] for my sensor was that he wrote a prescription for Libre3 and Cigna only covers Libre2 and could they please cancel that prescription and write a new one [this sensor expires on Monday].   I fixed myself something to eat [when you live alone, that is an accomplishment when you are in a mood, by the way].  And I have written in my blog

There is unpacking to do.  There is laundry that needs to be done.  The Christmas decorations are whining because they are still in the Disaster Area.  But I'm tired and not much is going to happen hereabouts when all I want to do is prop up my feet and relax.    

So be it. 


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