Day 333 - a cold Wednesday at the end of November

 Today is the 4th day of the 48th week, the 29th day of the 11th month, the 333rd day of 2023, and:

  • Catterntide 
  • Choose Women Wednesday
  • Customer is Wrong Day
  • Electronic Greeting Card Day
  • International DAy of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
  • National Chocolates Day
  • National Lemon Crème Pie Day
  • National Package Protection Day
  • National Rice Cake Day
  • National Square Dance Day
  • Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting
  • Throw Out Your Leftovers Day
  • and Voyager 1 is 22h 32m 17s of light travel time from Earth

Quote of the day:
"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have."
~  Margaret Mead, American cultural anthropologist, author, and speaker

These days when I have to go into the office I plan very carefully.  Yes, in an attempt to make it easier to get myself out the door in the morning, I have become one of those people who decide what I am going to wear the night before and get it out in advance - clothing, underwear, jewelry, mask, footwear.  

Today's outfit was a top, leggings, winter boots, and a duster cardigan, with appropriate accessories.    I got dressed, grabbed my meals and the garbage to dispose of and headed out the door.  Of course, this is the first time I have actually locked the new bottom lock from the outside, so I fumbled with the keys, then hurried down the hall because some kind person held the elevator for me.  

When I got to Starbucks [about half way to work] and went in to pick up my order, I kept wondering why I felt so cold.  Came back, got into the car, commentling to myself that having a top and a duster on should've been warm enough....   And then started to laugh when I realized that I had totally forgotten to put the duster cardigan on.  It was still hanging on the door, waiting.  I finally decided not to go back and get it, but seriously thought about doing so.  Today the heater under my desk would just have to do lots of work to keep me comfortable.

In the midst of everything that is happening these days - the health of my two kids, the problems with the apartment, the politics of my country, the wars in the world - there is so much that is out of  the realm of my control and my sphere of influence.  Sometime being able to make a little decision is very satisfying - and it started the day off with a laugh, which is always a good thing.  Doubt if that will change the world, but at least it made my day more pleasant!

And  perhaps it is time to start the countdown to vacation - as of today it is 8 days and counting - but only six more work days.... 


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