Day 324 - countdown to Turkey day

 Today is the 2nd day of the 47th week, the 20th day of the 11th month, the 324th day of 2023, and:

  • Africa Industrialization Day 
  • Beautiful Day
  • Future Teachers of America Day
  • Globally Organized Hug a Runner Day
  • Name Your PC Day
  • National Absurdity Day
  • National Peanut Butter Fudge Day
  • Transgender Day of Remembrance
  • Universal Children's Day
  • the first quarter of the moon at 5:50 AM EST
  • and Voyager 1 is 22h 31m 18s of light travel time from Earth

Quote of the day:
"For nothing is fixed, forever and forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock"
~  James Baldwin, Nothing Personal

All my life I have been what is unkindly known as a "chatterbox".  My mother complained that as soon I my feet hit the floor, my mouth opened and I started talking to myself.  I spent hours upon hours with my desk out in the hall because I couldn't keep quiet in class.  Many times, people just didn't listen to me....

Do why does everyone notice and ask me "why" when I get quiet?  You would think they all would just be grateful for the silence and continue ignoring me, neh?

Of course, online, it is easier to mask when the cone of silence starts to descend - all I have to do is post news stories and sometimes they don't even need a comment.  VoilĂ   I am not being "quiet".  

That's harder to pull off when you have made the commitment to write a blog post every day....

Ah well, it may be Monday, but there are only three workdays this week, and only one day in the office.  Thanksgiving is almost here, and I even have "black Friday" off, aboon that not everyone gets to enjoy.  The first time I was able to enjoy it was back in 2007 when I was working at MainStreet Lenders - we gave up Veteran's Day so we could have the day after Thanksgiving off - and I was glad to hear that bossman was determined PBS would enjoy both days.  


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