Day 299 - a weekday not a workday

 Today is the 5th day of the 43rd week, the 26th day of the 10th month, the 299th day of this insane babbling experiment, and:

  • Corrignan Day
  • Horseless Carriage Day
  • Intersex Awareness Day
  • National Day of the Deployed
  • National Financial Crime Fighter Day
  • National Mincemeat Day
  • National Mule Day - Honors the importation of the first Spanish Jacks to the US which were a gift from King Charles III of Spain delivered October 26, 1785 in Boston.  George Washington then began breeding them in the US.
  • National Pumpkin Day
  • National Tennessee Day
  • Read for the Record Day
  • Texas Chicken Fried Steak Day
  • Vote Early DAy
  • Worldwide Howl at the Moon Night
  •  and Voyager 1 is 22h 27m 47s of light travel time from Earth

Quote of the day:
"Where is all the knowledge we lost with information?"
~ TS Eliott, poet, essayist, publisher, playwright, literary critic and editor.

Back in the mid-90's, as I dealt with the retirement of a lower-level employee who knew the customers of Commercial & Farmers Bank in a way that no other person did, I realized that I didn't even know enough about her reserve of experience to know what questions to ask her before she left.  More than a little worried, I went online and googled "how do I know what I don't know"   It didn't take me long to find the knowledge management community and to start that deep dive into how to capture, retain, and transmit knowledge that sent me into a totally new way of thinking and my subsequent career path.  

I would argue that today it isn't just information we are swamped with, it is the raw data that constantly flows around, by, and over us.  Like trying to drink from a firehose, it is very difficult to process, much less assimilate.  

Without that ability to filter and integrate the flow, there is no way to actually say you "know" more than our forefathers who had to rely on much slower forms of communication for their information

I took PTO today and tomorrow because I had to take the car to the shop for winterizing and didn't feel like ubering to the office.  Because I live nearby, the owner is okay with dropping me off at my apartment, and picking me back up there, and so I don't need to get a rental.  Now I could've explained all this to bossman and just worked from home, but given his antipathy to those who don't come into the office when scheduled?  And the fact that I have the leave accumulated?  It was easier just to take two days off, but I didn't get to sleep in this morning  Instead I was my regular time, and took my car into the shop/gas station for the "fall package" winterizing [change all fluids, check tires, rotate and balance if needed, etc and so forth].  I also asked them to look at the rear window defogger which had stopped working at the end of last winter, and the fact that I couldn't turn the dial to "heat" anymore  

And I get a call back just came from shop.  Rear window has to be replaced.  They are trying to see if glass guys can come out today or tomorrow, or I'll have to take the car back.  And they have to take apart the control panel in the car to see what is going on with the dial.   The owner of the shop asked me when the current radio set up had been installed and they think something shifted in the dashboard and was obstructing the turning of the dial

So how am I spending my precious time off?  Doing absolutely nothing, I've been re-reading a favorite series, just ignoring the hours trickling away ....


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