Day 298 - the last all in the office day of October

 Today is the 4th day of the 43rd week, the 25th day of the 10th month, the 298th day of 2023, and:

  • Chucky, the Notorious Killer Doll Day
  • International Artists Day
  • International Print Day
  • National Greasy Foods Day
  • National Merritone Music Day
  • Sourest Day
  • ST Crispin's Day
  • World Pasta Day 

Quote of the day:
"Everybody, even the best of us, will sometimes behave ingloriously, and to think otherwise is to be hemmed in by vanity."
~ Andrew Cooper, “The Debacle

One of the sorrows I harbor of my academic studies is that I have never successfully learned another language.  The ability to master and be able to think in a language other than my native English [American version], is something that I have a great deal of respect for.  I got to the point where I could read in French, and after five years of classes, even understand simple speech, but I never got to the point of thinking in French rather than translating what was said in my head.  

The reason I wanted to learn another language was not for the pride of linguistic achievement -  I wanted to understand a different mind map than a new language entailed.    I wanted to see the world in a different way, and felt that learning a different language and immersing myself in a different culture would accomplish that.  Turns out I was on the right track, and indeed,  different linguistics can materially impact how you view the world around you.    How I would love to be able to see the world through different eyes!

While I can see there are many, many downsides to telepathy,  the one huge advantage to me would be the ability to perceive the fabric of existence from a different point of view.  That's why photography is an art rather than just record keeping, every person taking a snapshot has their own unique perspective and each person takes the pictured of the same object from a slightly different perspective.  None of us see the world quite the same way....

And our perceptions shape our reality.

Even more poignantly?  The 7 year old me, the 17 year old me, and the 73 year old me, all look at the same happenings in our lives very differently.  I definitely had my "inglorious" moments, even if I didn't acknowledge them at the time



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