Day 297 - day 2 of a 3 day work week

Today is the 3rd day of the 43rd week, the 24th day of the 10th month, the 297th day of 2023 [and yes I am worried about Christmas shopping], and:

  • 40-Hour Work Week Day - the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 went into effect on this day in 1938.  It not only established the 40 hour work week, but mandated overtime pay, limited child labor, and set the first minimum wage [25¢ an hour - which would be $5.46 today], tying increases to the GDP, which was changed in 1968 , a move that cemented income inequity as the results of  workers' productivity flowed only to the Csuite, directors, and investors  
  • Accountant's Day
  • Black Thursday - the day the stock market crashed in 1929
  • International Day of Diplomats
  • National Bologna Day
  • National Crazy Day
  • National Good & Plenty Day
  • National Food Day - World Food day was on the 16th.  It is a good time to remember that here in the US, many children and elderly people actually live in food deserts.  Easy to say "eat real" but not as easy to do it 
  • Recycle Your Mercury Thermostat Day
  • Take Back Your Time Day - a day designed to address the issue of "time poverty" in a culture that glorifies overwork, without necessarily rewarding it  
  • United Nations Day - the anniversary of the 1945 Charter that created the UN  
  • World Development Information Day
  • World Polio Day - thanks to vaccinations, as of 2022, only one strain of polio remains in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but we have to worry about it returning as the anti-vaccers refuse to have their kids inoculated   
  • World Tripe Day

Quote of the day:
"Daily life may seem trivial and routine, but in fact it contains a multitude of incidents, at once rich, expansive, and touching."

It seems like a trivial thing, and I didn't have it on my "must have" list for living space, but the main feature I have come to treasure about my apartment is the balcony and the view  

This was taken around 7 AM, about 20 minutes before the sun came up.  I post a lot of pictures like this online, almost always with the hash tag #theviewfromthebalcoy, and I have been doing this since July 2009.  As I scroll through, I have noticed two things:  The first thing that struck me is that there is a strong similarity in the shots, almost all of them are basically from the same angle and many of them show the same times of day.  The second is that, like this morning, the colors on the iPhone just aren't as delicate as the shading of the skies in person.  

I cannot imagine living some place where I cannot go outside, onto a balcony, and just sit for a bit, watching the world go by.  Took me a while to get the area looking nice, but got it done well before the pandemic shut down, complete with rug and artificial turf, and even metal art, since I don't seem to be able to keep plants alive out there   That is the only thing that I miss, having live plants, but they would be dying this time of year anyway.  There is an outlet in the wall, but I have never tested it.  Every year I think I'll put lights on the balcony for the Christmas holidays, and every year it seems I just don't get around to it.  Maybe I'll finally do it this year....

Today in tech news, I finally wiped all the content from my iPhone 12, putting it back to factory settings and detaching it from any information about me.  It was an interesting process - and I got notices from Apple that the phone had been removed from my Apple ID, and from Discover that my credit card had been removed from Apple Pay, and when I turn the phone on, it gives me the generic "hello" message, so I am assuming it worked as it was supposed to.  Since I have to go into the office tomorrow, I'll stop by on the way home and drop it off, thus completing the transition to the iPhone 15 Pro Max.  
One more report to do and the EOQ work is completed.   Haven't heard from the SOC examiners, so I am guessing we finally answered all their questions.  Then I get to answer a whole spate of audit questions that have been sent to me as the auditors set up for the EOY financials, which they start in mid-December. 

And the day wears on.   After all, it is 10 AM somewhere, neh?  


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