day 293 - the last Friday that is a work day in October

 Today is the 6th day of the 42nd week, the 20th day of the 10th month, the 293rd day of 2023, and:

  • Community Media Day
  • Croc Day
  • Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day
  • International Chefs Day
  • Miss American Rose Day
  • National Brandied Fruit Day
  • National Call-in Day for Health Reform
  • National Chicken and Waffles Day
  • National Day on Writing
  • National Mammography Day
  • National Pharmacy Buyer Day
  • National Suspenders Day
  • National Youth Confidence Day
  • Office Chocolate Day
  • The International Day of the Air Traffic Controller
  • World Osteoporosis Day
  • World Student Day 
  • and Voyager 1 is 22h 26m 48s of light travel time from Earth, still boldly going....

Quote of the day:
"Deep roots are not reached by the frost."
~ JRR Tolkien, in a letter written by Gandalf,  Book I: The Fellowship of the Ring

The quote today was sent to me by one of those daily quote servers, and of course, I immediately recognized it, placing it into the correct context of heritage.  Taken out of this context, it still speaks to the need to have a firm value system in place so that one can endure the vicissitudes and tides of current events, neh?  And it makes me worry about our education system, because it seems to me that in some areas, education is being skewed towards propaganda.  I fear we are returning to the outmoded mindset that "some people" don't need to be educated "above their station" and book learning isn't necessary for laborers.  

old 12 in new 15 case showing
the size difference
I spent much of yesterday working with setting up my new phone [iPhone 15 Max Pro] and comparing it to my old one [the 3 1/2 year old iPhone 12].  This was the first time i had tried doing the data transfer myself, and there were a few hitches, but pretty much everything came over.  I have to turn in my old phone in 30 days from Tuesday [the date the new phone was delivered to the store], and I have found that having the both phones had helped with the transitioning.  Had a bit of a struggle with the MS Authenticator app, which I finally resolved [after a lot of googling] by backing up the app to the iCloud on the old phone [which can still use the WiFi, altho not the phone line any longer], then deleting and reinstalling the app on the new phone, choosing "restore from backup" when asked to sign in.  The passwords for some of the apps needing more security [banking, shopping, medical] I'm still setting back up, and in some cases, I find myself having to change/update them - an annoying process but probably worthwhile doing even if not setting up a new device. 

The phone is bigger, and a bit heavier, but the screen seems even larger than the additional size of the phone would indicate.  The accessibility options are a bit more extensive, and I like having the choice of larger icons and that using that option doesn't fill up the entire screen with "stuff".  I have big hands, so my grip is still comfortable, altho I still have to get used to it.  I have two cases and a dilemma [as a side note, yes I still type dilmena and yes I mutter when the autocorrect flags it as misspelled].  The clear case shows off the titanium color, but feels a bit slippery and the handle I had to add isn't quite as convenient - and the clear case picks up fingerprints and smudges quickly.  The black case came with the handle and feels more slightly more secure, but if I had wanted a black phone, I would've ordered one.   Right now I am using the clear case, but how long vanity will overcome utility is the question....

Meanwhile, it is Friday.  The sharp-eyed amongst you, and those who pay attention to titles, will beg to differ with me at this juncture, essaying to point out rather mendaciously that this Friday is not the final Friday of the month.  This is absolutely true - but it IS the last Friday that is a work day for me because next Thursday and Friday I have off.  

No great plan for this weekend, altho it appears the threatened nor'easter won't be much hereabouts, but the break from the workaday world is always greatly appreciated!



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