Day 291 - let there be heat

 Today is the 4th day of the 42nd week, the 18th day of the 10th month, the 291st day of 2023, and:

  • Alaska Day - the anniversary of the formal transfer of the territories from the Russian Empire to the United States in 1867
  • Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day
  • Global Dignity Day
  • Hagfish Day
  • Hard Boiled Guy/Girl Day - you don't hear much about the hard-boiled detective stories it seems these days 
  • Independence Day - Azerbaijan from the Soviet Union in 1991
  • Information and Misinformation Overload Day
  • International Legging Day - thanks to my daughter selling LuLaRoe for two years or so, I have quite a substantial wardrobe of leggings to wear 
  • International Necktie Day
  • International Pronouns Day
  • Love Your Body Day
  • Meatloaf Appreciation Day
  • Medical Assistants Recognition Day
  • National Chocolate Cupcake Day
  • National Exascale Day
  • National No Beard Day
  • National Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce Day
  • Newspaper Comic Strip Appreciation Day
  • Persons Day - in 1929 the women in Canada were found to be persons eligible to sit in their Senate 
  • Thank Your Cleaner Day
  • Unity Day 
  • World Menopause Day
  • and Voyager 1 is 22h 26m 27s of light travel time from Earth

Quote of the day:
"We become what we think about"
~ Earl Nightingale, American radio speaker and author [also the first voice of Sky King]  

Have you ever heard, clear as a bell, a voice saying something when you are alone?  And no, I am not talking about the times Alexa suddenly cackles or pipes up .  Apparently it is a fairly common phenomena and has even been replicated under laboratory testing, but there is no really consistent explanation of why it happens.  I can recall hearing a voice clearly call my name on more than one occasion, but I couldn't tell you whether or not it was male or female.  It definitely got my attention - and quite honestly, my first thought was that someone from the beyond was trying to communicate.   I would answer, but then never received a reply....

At any one given time, I have several trains of thought running through my head.  I had a manager [the same one that criticized my vocabulary as unnecessarily ostentatious] once ask me what I was thinking after she made some comment as my face must've registered some reaction - and I asked her if she really wanted to know.  To her regret, she affirmed she did and I reeled off the topmost thoughts that were scattered about my brain at that moment, including three or four different reactions to her comment.  She stared at me for a moment and stated rather incredulously that no one could think all that at one time and still be sane, and I think I made some flippant rejoinder that normalcy is highly overrated and that was the end of the conversation.  She never asked me again what I was thinking though.   

In other news:  They turned the heat on very late in the afternoon yesterday - I didn't notice that it was available until almost bedtime though.  Even with the thermostat set at 68°, the heat ran all night in the living room to get it warmed up!  Unfortunately, no mailbox repair is yet in sight, and I failed each evening to catch the mail delivery person and try to convince them to empty the box and give me the contents.  And my iPhone 15 Max Pro was delivered to my ATT store and is ready for pickup.  

The week is half over and I am STILL slogging through EOQ reports.  Ah well, it pays the rent, and I have never let my work define me anyway [other than claiming to be a subject matter expert and a knowledge nomad].  


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