Day 266 - the tropical cyclone

 Today is the 7th day of the 38th week, the 23rd day of the 9th month, the 266th day of 2023 [think about it, only 99 days until the New Year!]  and:

  • Autumnal Equinox - arriving at 2:50 AM 
  • Celebrate Bisexuality Day
  • Fall Astronomy Day - the Saturday nearest the first quarter moon
  • Fish Amnesty Day
  • International Day of Sign Languages
  • International Rabbit Day
  • Kiwanis Kids' Day
  • Mabon
  • Museum Day
  • National Checkers and Dogs in Politics Day
  • National Falls Prevention Awareness Day
  • National Great American Pot Pie Day
  • National Hunting and Fishing Day
  • National Public Lands Day
  • National Seat Check Saturday
  • National Singles Day
  • National Snack Stick Day 
  • National Wildlife Ecology Day
  • Proposal Day
  • R.E.A.D in America Day
  • Restless Legs Awareness Day
  • Teal Talk Day
  • Xterra World Championship Day
  • Za'atar Day
  • and Voyager 1 is 22h 21m 51s of light travel time from Earth

Quote of the day:
"Elephants and grandchildren never forget."
~ Andy Rooney, American radio and television writer

They can do the same thing here that they do at home, altho here is the only place they binge watch Kid Danger, but for some reason, staying overnight at Grandmom's is a treat.  For that?  I am intensely grateful  They also get to eat in the living room and watch TV while eating, they play with both the cat toys and the stuffed pig collection, and we camp out in the living room at night, going to bed late and getting up far too early in the morning [at least in Grandmom's opinion].  

Triscuit, always skittish and now annoyed by the application of allergy meds,  is less than pleased with the additional humans and has been under the bed while they are here, which was from last night and will be to Sunday brunch tomorrow.

Meanwhile outside, the wind is blowing and the rain is falling.  


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