Day 257: dragging on a Friday's Eve

Today is the 5th day of the 37th week, the 14th day of the 9th month, the 257th day of 2023, and:
  • Eat a Hoagie Day
  • Gobstopper Day
  • Hindi Day
  • National Coloring Day
  • National Cream-filled Donut Day
  • National Live Creative Day
  • National Parents Day Off
  • National Sober Day
  • R U OK? Day
  • Support Latino Business Day
  • The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
  • US Marshals Service Day
  • and Voyager1 is 22h 20m 05s of light travel time from Earth 

Quote of the day:
"Capitalism is an organized system to guarantee that greed becomes the primary force of our economic system and allows the few at the top to get very wealthy and has the rest of us riding around thinking we can be that way, too - if we just work hard enough, sell enough Tupperware and Amway products, we can get a pink Cadillac."
~ Michael Moore, American Film director, producer, screenwriter, and author

Today's news is full of capitalism on full display - from the greedy CEO caught grousing the economy needs 50% unemployment to force the working class to be more subservient  to the oil companies denying climate change to the posturing of the studios over the writers' and actors' strike.

And then you have the performative politics where the GOP seeks to tar Biden with the same brush as their four time indicted hero [with 91 criminal charges brought by Grand Juries], and threaten to cause a government shutdown instead of trying to actually govern for all.

Obviously I need to stop reading the news!  

I'm in the office today, and it is just me and bossman.  He's had his door closed most of the day, but I did hop on a call with a participant to say the same thing to their loan officer that I had already explained to the account department.  I also drove bossman to go and pick up his daughter's car from the shop, so I guess that's my company building culture event for the day.

According to their website, Walgreens has the COVID vaccines ready, but like the RSV, when I go online and try to make an appointment at my local pharmacy, the website wants to send me somewhere else. 

I have three packages that apparently were delivered somewhere in the past couple of weeks, and I don't have them.  So I have to stop by the management office and see if they were dropped off there before I start complaining about not having received them.

And when I get home?  I have two longish phone calls to make and dinner to fix plus emails to catch up on.  Looks like I won't have time to myself again this evening to unwind.  


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