Day 235 - not quite all in

 Today is the 4th day of the 34th week, the 23rd day of the 8th month, the 235th day of 2023, and:

  • Black Ribbon Day AKA European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism
  • Buttered Corn Day
  • Find Your Inner Nerd Day - back in 2007, Christopher Reaves Messina posted the tweet that created the hashtag
  • Hug Your Sweetheart Day
  • International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition
  • Internaut Day -  Tim Berners-Lee is credited with the invention of the worldwide web in 1989 and he posted a proposal for the WWW on the alt.hypertext newsgroup in 1991, using the world's first website that went live 17 days earlier as an example.  The source code was not released into the public domain until April 1993.  
  • National Cheap Flight Day
  • National Cuban Sandwich Day
  • National Sponge Cake Day
  • Ride the Wind Day - the first human-powered flight was able to fly a figure eight course of a half mile back in 1977
  • Valentino Day - marks the day this heart-throb of the silent movies died 97 years ago
Quote of the day:
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them ...  well, I have others."
~ Groucho Marx

There was a time when I went out to lunch almost every day, but usually by myself, treasuring the time away from the office.  I haven't done it much in the years since I've worked here tho.  Today was a quiet day in the office altho everyone but bossman and the senior credit analyst is here [they are both on vacation].  The three ladies who work here decided we were going to go to lunch today, and we decided to go to one of the local little places that dot the area.  It was nice to get out of the office instead of sitting and eating our our desks.  It is something we need to do more often.  

Of late I feel that I am bucking for the introvert of the year award.  Lately I have avoided social situations and stopped going over to visit my daughter and family, spending my weekends like I spend the evenings, at home with my 2nd life [be it books, games, streaming, or in world].

It seems as though these days it is about all I can do is get up everyday weekday and work, especially with going into the office twice a week.  I'm hoping that there is an answer for the complete depletions of energy and attention that strikes each night and on the weekends, one that doesn't involve telling me I am old, fat, and out of shape plus dealing with life stuffs.

As soothing as my 2nd life is, I would prefer to spend the remaining time allotted to me being more involved with the real world.  


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