Day 231 - a rare respite for August

 Today is the 7th day of the 22rd week, the 19th day of 8th month, the 231st day of 2023, and:'
  • Black Cow' Root Beer Float Day
  • Break the Monotony Day
  • Chef Appreciation Day
  • Clear the Shelters Day
  • Coco Chanel Day
  • Independence Day - Afghanistan from Britain in 1919
  • International Bow Day
  • International Geocaching Day
  • International Homeless Animals' Day
  • International Orangutan Day
  • International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day
  • National Aviation Day
  • National Hot and Spicy Food Day
  • National Potato Day
  • National Sandcastle and Sculpture Day
  • National Soft Ice Cream Day
  • Popsicle Day
  • World Honey Bee Day
  • World Humanitarian Day
  • World Photo Day
  • and Voyager 1 is 22h 15m 00s of light travel time from Earth
I've spent the day curled up with an audio book, just resting and letting the hours slide past.  Every time I move off the couch I head right back to it...

Altho it is warm today, it is far below our usual dog days heat and the humidity is low.  It actually cooled off nicely last night and is supposed to do the same tonight.

Maybe I'll actually have more energy tomorrow.


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