Day 230 - finally Friday

today really is the 6th day of the 33rd week, the 18th day of the 8th month, the 230th day of 2023, and:

  • Birth Control Pills Day
  • Helium Discovery Day
  • Mail Order Catalog Day
  • National Bad Poetry Day
  • National Badge Ribbon Day
  • National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence [used to be in March]
  • National Fajita Day
  • National Ice Cream Pie Day
  • National Kool-Aid Day
  • National Men's Grooming Day
  • Never Give Up Day
  • Pinot Noir Day
  • Serendipity Day
  • and Voyager 1 is 22h 14m 49s of light travel time, or 14,919,000,000 miles, from Earth
Quote of the day:
" We forget all too soon the things we thought we could never forget. "
~ Joan Didion, "On Keeping a Notebook

I have been trying since June 27th to get an appointment with a nephrologist - or at least that was the date I filled out the 11 page new patient form for them and said my GP had referred me.  Two months later, I am still going back and forth with them because apparently the "review doctor" hadn't decided I need to be looked at.  Never mind that my GP suggested it based on the symptoms, and the blood work .  Never mind that the lab tests show persistent low sodium, never mind that I am showing some of the symptoms of kidney disease, the review doc wasn't sure I had an issue until today, when I called and enumerated all my symptoms to the assistant also pointing out that I have already eliminated lung and heart issues.

The first available appointment?  September 27th - three months to the day after I contacted them.  Good thing it isn't an emergency?

And so the work week ends.  

It is Friday.  

It is payday.  

The weekend looms ahead.


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