Day 229 - NOT Friday

 Today is the 5th day of the 33rd week, the 17th day of the 8th month, the 229th day of  2023, and:

  • Baby Boomers Recognition Day
  • Balloon Airmail Day
  • Independence Day - Indonesia from Japan in 1945
  • National #2 Pencil Day
  • National Black Cat Appreciation Day
  • National Hazy IPA Day
  • National I LOVE My Feet Day
  • National Massachusetts Day
  • National Meaning of "Is" Day
  • National Nonprofit Day
  • National Thrift Shop Day
  • National Vanilla Custard Day

Quote of the day:
"This must be Thursday.  I never could get the hang of Thursdays."

The social media sneer "OK Boomer" never fails to make me grit my teeth.  Born in 1950, I am definitely one of them.  Growing up in the 1950's was not the idyllic family scene you here about in memoirs or saw in situation comedies!  Back then?  a woman could either get married or work as a teacher, nurse, or secretary.  We weren't allowed to vote until we were 21, altho the males could be drafted at 18 when they graduated from high school.  And I remember demonstrating against the VietNam war, advocating for civil rights, and being feminist in every way that I could be, considered by my contemporizes to be a bit of a wild-eyed radical liberal.  All of us are digital immigrants and newbies, predating the personal computer and the internet by a couple of decades, not to mention social media.  


I feel as though I personally am being blamed for the rise of the oligarchy, the decimation of the middle class, unfettered capitalism, the inability of young folks to buy a home, climate change denial, the cost of a college education, and the prominence of Fox News. Of course, the real issue is that as I look at the inflamed and angry faces of the far right, white Christian nationalists, I wonder if there really was something more that I could've done....

Well at least the pandemic wasn't my fault.  And it isn't just my generation of rich commercial real estate owners agitating for employees to return to the office either.  

Because today is my third day in the office, my head and body keep telling me it is Friday.  Going to be a real downer when that alarm goes off tomorrow morning and I have to log into work again!  




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