Day 226 - a Monday off

 Today is the 2nd day of the 33rd week, the 14th day of the 8th month, the 226th day of 2023, and:

  • Coloring Book Day - I had always enjoyed coloring books, and had looked forward to coloring with my granddaughters.  Turns out neither of them are that fond of the activity.  I moved from coloring books to cross stitch at a fairly young age, though now and then I still took up coloring with markers.  Today?  I landscape different areas in world, and take great pains with dressing my avatars the way that I want them to look.
  • Military Marriage Day
  • Falklands Day - celebration of the first sighting of the islands by John Davis in 1592
  • Independence Day - Pakistan from the UK in 1947
  • National Creamsicle Day
  • National Financial Awareness Day
  • National Navajo Code Talkers Day
  • National Lizard Day
  • National Tattoo Removal Day
  • National Wiffle Ball Day
  • Romance Awareness Day
  • Social Security Day - the Social Security Act became law in 1935, to be implemented by 01.01.1937.  Baltimore was always the home of the agency from the beginning
  • Victory or V-J Day - President Truman announced that Japan had surrendered unconditionally.  WWII was finally officially over
  • World Calligraphy Day
  • and Voyager 1 is 22h 14m 04s of light travel time from Earth 
Quote of the day:
"The truth is, everything we could possibly need for joy, ease, wisdom, and compassion is right here and now, in the ordinary messiness of our lives. At some point, we finally realize this and learn to let go of the struggles and the wishes for some other life, and, with a sense of wonder and courage, trust-fall into our actual lives with a deep sense of radical acceptance."
~ Mark Van Buren, “Thanks for Everything. I Have No Complaints Whatsoever.

Today my youngest granddaughter is 8 years old.  That always seems like a significant age to me because I clearly remember me at that age - third grade.  It was the year that I started wearing glasses, discovered Sherlock Holmes, and realized with no little dismay, that I was never going to be "popular".  I found it easier and more fun to talk to the teachers than to the kids in my class, and learned that I got along much better with folks much younger than me and much older. 

Throughout my life, that has never changed, and I have only a couple of friends my own age.

When I created a child avatar, Mirabelle Mnyx [known as Mira]  is 8 years old, and she will never grow up.  There are many things for a child avatar to do in world - shopping, school [even Hogwarts!  but she is too young for that] and playgrounds, family RP if you want it.  Mira till logs in now and then, but the family she was with is long gone and her adopted sister has left SL, so other than playing on her swing set or going fishing, she really doesn't have a lot to do these days, especially since the Disney sims have been closed

My grandmothers were in their mid-50's when I turned 8 and I remember how old my grandmothers looked to me when I was that age, as proven by the fact that to my eyes they didn't change at all as I grew up.  That is a rather humbling thought!  Anyway, I took the day off, since they didn't want to celebrate her birthday over the weekend, and will join them this afternoon for 'opens' and then dinner

Definitely an upgrade to a Monday morning!  Especially when the next three days I was be in the office.


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