day 193 - will the EOQ ever go away?

 Today is the 4th day of the 28th week, the 12th day of the 7th month, the 193rd day of 2023 [with only 165 shopping days left until Christmas], and:

  • Different Colored Eyes Day
  • Eat Your Jell-o Day
  • Independence Day -  São Tomé and Príncipe from Portugal in 1975 and Kiribati from the UK in 1979
  • National Pecan Pie Day
  • New Conversations Day
  • Night of Nights
  • Orangeman's Day [AKA The Twelfth] - a Protestant holiday
  • Paper Bag Day
  • Simplicity Day
Quote of the day:
"When things are a disappointment, try no to be so discouraged."
~ Carol Burnett 

Today the color of my spirit is dark and I admit I am discouraged.  

Work seems incredibly frustrating and I feel I am on a hamster wheel just going over the same ground again and again.  

Another package was delivered 'to the mailroom' and I don't know if that means the property package room or if it was just left in the mail room of the building, and can't find out until after work.  If the latter, then it probably will be stolen

The casual dismissal of my symptoms by the pulmonologist on Monday, complete with the implication that my health issues are my fault for being old and a couch potato, is haunting me.  It is acerbated by the cardiac testing order that referenced 'patient complaining of fatigue, SOB, and strange feeling' and totally ignored the obvious edema and low sodium.  And both the pulmonologist and the cardiologist questioned my statement that I had a severe allergic reaction to Ozempic, asking what symptoms I suffered and why was I convinced it was that drug.  

*deep breath*

Okay, a bit of background:

    Today was the third day in the office, and I am dragging as always.  The good news is this is my last week having to go on site - for the rest of the month, I am off each Friday for medical tests and then bossman agreed I could work from home three days going forward.  And my direct report will be returning on the 24th, so that will take a lot off my plate.  I just have to keep ploughing forward and this too will pass

    I don't understand why package delivery has become such an issue of late.  We have an Amazon HUB in the lobby of our building and I have no idea why Amazon deliveries are not made there as a matter of course.   VEHO, who delivers the Factor shipment each week, seems to have hired new people who cannot read an address label - altho in all fairness, they could've left it in front of my door and it was stolen before I got home from work.

    As far as the doctors are concerned, I guess I should've pointed out the GP made the diagnosis, not me or Dr Google, but I didn't think of that at the time I was talking to them.  I feel like I'm not doing a very good job of advocating for myself and as a result, I'm not getting past this feeling of angst.

Yeah, discouraged is as good a word as any for the mauve flavor of my spirit on this day.  


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