Day 180 - EOQ looms ahead

Today is the 5th day of the 26th week, the 29th day of the 6th month, the 180th day of 2023 [are you all tired of reading me yet after 180 straight posts?], and: 

  • Hug Day
  • Independence day - Seychelles from the UK in 1976
  • International Day of the Tropics 
  • International Fisherman Day
  • International Mud Day
  • National Almond Buttercrunch Day
  • National Bomb Pop Day
  • National Handshake Day
  • National Waffle Iron Day
  • World Camera Day
  • World Scleroderma Day
  • Voyager 1 is 22h 06m 48s of light travel time from Earth, or 23,866,000,000 km / 14,830,000,000 miles / 159.53 AU
Quote of the day:
"When you understand interconnectedness, it makes you more afraid of hating than of dying."
~ Robert A. F. Thurman, “Rising to the Challenge: Cool Heroism

One of my usual sources for the "day of" listings has apparently let their web certificate lapse, because the browser is refusing to connect today.  I really resent when they block websites for this reason, automatically claiming they are "unsafe" and labeling it a "privacy error".  Nine times out of ten, the organization has renewed, but didn't delete the old certificate when they applied the new.

Well I marched into the management office yesterday after work, prepared with my facts and figures, and ready to negotiate.  The Building Manager took the wind right out of my sails by saying at the outset they were aware the offer letter was citing a 15% increase, but they were prepared to offer me 5% if I was willing to renew for a year at least one month in advance.  Considering I got a 0% increase last year, that was such a reasonable offer that I shut up and just took it.  On October 1st, my monthly payments will increase

And bossman informed me that going forward, he wants to tighten up access to remote work - if you are scheduled to be in the office, then you either show up or, no matter how legitimate your reason for working from home is, you either switch with another person or take PTO.  Period.  Why?  because 'some people' are 'making excuses' for not coming into the office and he wants people here when they are scheduled to be here because he is concerned that 'some' are not delivering the value for which they are paid.  The good news is that he told me he knew I was working when I was doing so from home, and also agreed I could go to twice a week instead of three times, but I told him I would wait until my direct report returns from India in a month before availing myself of the altered schedule.  

Of course none of this relates to the quote I used  - but I still think it is a good thought for the day


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