Day 179 - the last 'everyone in the office' day of June

 Today is the 4th day of the 26th week, the 28th day of the 6th month, the 179th day of 2023, and:

  • Eid-Al-Adha - starts at sundown and lasts thru July 2nd 
  • International Body Piercing Day
  • INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY - why today?  commemorates the day Billy Mays died in 2009 - a man known for his caps lock enthusiasm, broadcast through infomercials, which made him internationally famous.
  • International Lightning Safety Day
  • International Parrot Head Day
  • National Alaska Day - actually a made up holiday because it that matches neither the date the US bought the land nor the date the territory became a state.  Bit, having lived in Anchorage, I have to say it is a great location with awe-inspiring scenery and a very deep suspicion of outsiders
  • National Insurance Awareness Day
  • National Logistics Day
  • National Parchment [Cooking] Day
  • National Tapioca Day
  • Paul Bunyan Day - this is one of the earliest books I remember reading and I was absolutely fascinated by the tales of the huge lumberjack and his blue ox
  • Tau Day
  • Vidovdan - celebrating St Vitus and an important day in Serbian history

Quote of the day:
"You know that book; you forget the title after you’ve returned it and over the years you try to look it up a few times, but you never find it again."
~ Helen Oyeyemi, Boy, Snow, Bird

I actually own a book like that.  It is the improbable story of a scientist racing to preserve civilization from extinction as the Earth gets ready to roll over, a pole shift caused by the accumulation of weight at the North and South poles.  The story is thin - most of the book is devoted to explaining the improbable theory - but I find the speculation fascinating and have actually reread the book a couple of times.  The problem is?  I never can remember the name of the author or the title of the book, and it sits on my selves somewhere in complete anonymity until I become annoyed enough at not being able to remember that I conduct a determined search for it.

It would make a great disaster movie - and apparently one was made back in 2008 that came and sunk without a ripple.  Pole reversal is apparently a scientific fact, and not that uncommon. but the idea of an entire planet rolling over on its side, exchanging the poles with the equator, is rather outlandish and there aren't very many mentions of the Hobb Theory [that is what it is called in the book] floating around.  That's rather surprising considering the internet is home to all the crackpot theories, most of them discussed very seriously by their adherents.  Maybe I should start a webpage or something to promote this particular 'theory'?

Now, if you will excuse me, I have a book to go and find


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