Day 177 - the last Monday of June and the first Monday of summer

Today is the 2nd day of the 26th week [yes we are halfway through the weeks of the year], the 26th day of the 6th month, the 177th day of this insane writing experiment, and:

  • 626 Day - courtesy of Lilo & Stitch
  • Beautician's Day
  • Forgiveness Day
  • Harry Potter Day - on this day 46 years ago, we were first introduced to 'the boy who lived'
  • Independence day - Madagascar from France and Somaliland from the UK, both in 1960 
  • International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 
  • International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
  • National Barcode Day
  • National Canoe Day
  • National Chocolate Pudding Day
  • National Coconut Day
  • National Energy Shopping Day
  • Please Take My Children to Work Day
  • Tropical Cocktails Day 
  • World Refrigeration Day
  • the first quarter of the moon at 3:51 AM EDT
  • Voyager 1 is 22h 06m 27s of light travel time from Earth
Quote of the day"
"You don't want to have to come into work on Monday already apologizing. I try to save my apologies for what I've done later in the week."
~ Ike Barinholtz, American actor, comedian, writer, director, and producer

Sometimes on Monday mornings, I feel like I am mentally trying to hold onto the weekend's more relaxed vibe, with just as much success as Triscuit is having holding onto the sunbeam, falling asleep reaching for those last few rays pouring into the apartment. 

And I do no better with holding onto the relaxed vibe than Triscuit does holding onto her sunbeam, when it shows up.  We haven't had much sun of late

It's been a very Monday-ish Monday, with with a DDoS attack n the game website, problems accessing much needed programs at work, and my son even having to miss an infusion because the lab suddenly lost the ability to use the machine which analyzes blood.   And I almost fell over poor Triscuit when she got under my feet this afternoon, after which she headed for under the bed and ignored me for the rest of the day.  To top it al off?  The food delivery box was not left in the Amazon HUB or brought to my door, but taken to a completely different building and left with the rental office - I had to go over and retrieve it

They are forecasting severe thunderstorms for this evening - let's hope I keep power and A/C....


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