The seagulls are crying, the wind chimes are swaying in the breeze, the insects are chirping, and the fire is crackling - a peaceful Sunday morning in Nowhereville
Today is the 6th day of the 32nd week, the 9th day of the 8th month, the 222nd day of 2024, and: Book Lovers Day Independence Day - Singapore from Malaysia in 1965 International Coworking Day International Day of the World's Indigenous People - a stray thought.... if my greatgrandparents had stayed in Ireland and Wales, and I had been born there, would I be considered indigenous? After all, both countries had robust cultures when the English arrived..... National Hand Holding Day National Passion Fruit Day National Polka Day National Rice Pudding Day National Veep Day - because on this day in 1974, for the first time a President of the US resigned and a Vice President stepped up Shop Online for Groceries Day and Voyager I is 46 Yrs 11 Mos 04 Days and 15,239,227,724 mi / 24,525,167,308 km / 163.94061756 AU from the Earth Quote of the day : " As human beings, we are all not conducting just one narrative but many narratives all at the same time ." ~...
Today is the 2nd day of the 10th week, the 6th day of the 3rd month, the 65th day of 2023 Last year it was a Sunday, and it was miserable. My poor little Panda had been very ill - problems with eating and eliminating had resulted in her losing over half her weight in just three months. I kept taking her back and we kept trying different things - even putting her thru the RadioCat operation he previous month so that she could go off the y/d diet. Nothing seemed to help, and Panda had gotten what the vet called a "kitty cocktail" shot on Friday afternoon, a Hail Mary concoction of antibiotics [in case there is an intestinal infection], steroids [in case of inflammation], hydration, soothers, and an appetite stimulant. She was okay on Saturday, enjoyed her sunbeam and even ate a bit - but that night the drugs wore off and we had a very bad night indeed as she was obviously in pain, and kept retreating to her hidey hole under the secretary....
Today is the 1st day of the 30th week, the 21st day of the 7th month, the 203rd day of 2024, and: Anne Hutchinson Day Invite an Alien to Live with You Day Lake Superior Day Legal Drinking Age Day Lowest Recorded Temperature Day - -89.2°C (-128.6°F) at Vostok Station in Antarctica on July 21, 1983 National Be Someone Day National Ice Cream Day National Junk Food Day National Lamington Day National Tug-of-War Tournament Day No Pet Store Puppies Day - buying any pet from one of those ubiquitous mall pet stores is just not a good idea Take a Monkey to Lunch Day - altho it celebrates primates, the original purpose of the day was to commemorate the Scopes Monkey Trial which concluded on this day 99 years ago the M oon is full as of 6:19 AM EDT - the Buck Moon, AKA Thunder Moon; the Hay or Mead Moon; Guru Purnima; Asalha Puja (aka Dharma Day or Esala Poya); and the start of Vassa. and Voyager I is Quote of the day: “ No civilized person goes to bed the same day h...
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