Day 168 - an almost no-guilt day

 Today is the 7th day of the 24th week, the 17th day of the 6th month, the 168th day of 2023, and:

  • Dog Dad's Day
  • Dollars Against Diabetes Day
  • Global Garbage Man Day
  • Independence Day - Iceland from Denmark in 1944
  • International Surfing Day - and back in 1992, a librarian started talking about 'surfing the internet'
  • National Apple Strudel Day
  • National Cherry Tart Day
  • National Eat Your Vegetables Day
  • National Mascot Day
  • National Root Beer Day - nothing ever has tasted as good to me as the A&W Root Beer we used to get from the Twin Kiss.  My father would take a glass jug down and they would fill it for him.  And the root beer floats were concoctions to dream about
  • World Croc Day - no, they aren't talking about the shoesBut I checked just to be certain
  • World Juggling Day
  • World Martini Day
  • World Tessellation Day 
  • World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
Quote of the day:
"Guilt - the gift that keeps on giving"
~ Emma Brombeck, American humorist and newspaper columnist

Today's quote has absolutely no relationship to today in anyway that I can tell, but I refuse to feel guilty about a lack of tie-in.  

It was on this day just 84 years ago that the last public beheading took place.  It was in France, and yes they used the guillotine just as they have for 200 years.  After the media and public turned it into a public spectacle, Franc2 banned public executions, as has most countries. 

As barbaric as it is considered in these so-called modern days, the guillotine is actually a relatively painless way to put someone to death - quick, efficient, and reliable.  No stories of botched executions where people suffer intense agonies as happens with other methods.   I had always been under the impression that death by injection was just being put to sleep, but apparently it is not

I guess making the execution private meant folks wouldn't feel guilty about having to sentenced a person to die?  I rather liked Babylon 5's solution - they called it 'death of personality' where they telepathically wiped the sentenced killer's mind and replaced it with a personality that was dedicated to service, then released the individual to work for the society they harmed. 
Triscuit enjoying
Today is one of those days that I have done nothing but fritter.  I mean, yes I did some things, but for the most part?  I've been online surfing and reading and playing in world and in game.  One advantage to living alone is that you definitely are in charge of your own time - as long as you are willing to accept the consequences of not getting things done!  Not that I don't feel vaguely guilty for the stuff that hasn't gotten done today as the hours passed by, the everyday chores that got ignored, the projects that are pending....

Guess the quote was apt after all, neh?


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