Day 163 - Monday, Monday....

Today is the 2nd day of the 24th week, the 12th day of the 6th month, the 163rd day of 2023 [with only 195 shopping days until Christmas], and 
  • Crowded Nest Awareness Day - in a way this is ironic as studies show advantages of multi-generational housing, but the point that you have to have enough room for all is an extremely valid one
  • Ghost in the Machine Day - whether you want to reflect on what it means to be human as all the news and chatter about AI swirl around, or whether that code you wrote isn't doing what you thought it would, reflecting on the book that was written back in 1949 is a good starting point
  • Independence Day - Philippines from Spain in 1898
  • International Cachaça Day - on this day 279 years ago, Portugal [who claimed Brazil at that time] outlawed the sale and production of cachaça
  • International Falafel Day 
  • Little League Girls Baseball Day
  • Loving Day - on this day just 56 years ago, SCOTUS ruled the remaining anti-miscegenation laws [those banning interracial marriages] were unconstitutional, which struck down laws that 16 states still had on the books at that point, stating "the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual, and cannot be infringed by the State." It is worth noting this decision was unanimous and not one judge whined that right was not specifically enshrined in the original Constitution.  
  • Magic Day
  • Mechanics Day
  • National Automotive Service Professionals Day
  • National Jerky Day
  • National Peanut Butter Cookie Day
  • Red Rose Day
  • Superman Day
  • Victims of Orlando Florida Attack Day
  • Women Veterans Day
  • World Day Against Child Labor - ironic, isn't it?  In the US, there are eight states trying to 'relax' child labor laws and three have done so. 
Quote of the day:
"A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral."
~ Antoine De Saint-Exupery , The Little Prince

Construction update:

With the improvement in air quality, they are hard at work despite the ominous looking clouds and predictions of some much-needed rain.  Oddly enough, they appear to be drilling on the same site where holes were open before - maybe making them larger?  Maybe when they checked below the cement didn't set right?  

Today was a typical Monday morning both at work and at home.  Put in maintenance requests because two of my HVAC units aren't blowing cool air and because the water in my apartment has started tasting terrible.  

The HVAC order is a real issue - I can only hope they show up today or tomorrow because there is no way that I can stay home this week!  I feel I'm in bossman's bad books for not showing up last week, and then I ended up putting in for PTO on Friday because I have to take Triscuit to the vet.  Maintenance did stop by, but said a tech would have to come in and fix the HVAC unit in my living room and disaster area.  I don't know what I am going to do if they don't come before Wednesday - take off I guess.

The water issue started gradually a week or so ago in the bathroom taps as I noticed the water started to taste 'off'.  Then it developed an odor - not bad per se, but on the earthy side, but it definitely has a taste.  Then I noticed it in the shower, the kitchen, and the laundry room.  I bought a tester, but all that told me was that it wasn't pure - which wasn't terribly helpful - but that it was no where near the danger range for stuff in it.  I didn't get the kit that tells you the chemical composition of what you are drinking tho.  I've been hitting up the bottled water pretty hard, and have ordered more, even a couple gallon jugs so I can change Triscuit's water in her fountain.  Cats have a better sense of smell than we do, and I have to figure if I don't want to drink the stuff, she won't either.  

Speaking of my favorite feline, Triscuit sees no reason to pay any attention to any Monday woes.  And on that note, I'm going to try and stop worrying about it all too.


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