Day 151 - second Monday

 Today is the 4th day of the 22nd week, the 31st day of the 5th month, the 151st day of 2023 [and yes the 151th day of this insane babbling exercise as well], and:

  • National Autonomous Vehicle Day
  • National Macaroon Day
  • National Meditation Day
  • National Senior Health & Fitness Day
  • National Smile Day
  • Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day
  • Save Your Hearing Day
  • Speak in Completed Sentences Day
  • What You Think Upon Grows Day
  • World No Tobacco Day
  • World Otter Day
  • World Parrot Day
  • the beginning of Gawai Dayak at sundown
  • and Voyager 1 is 22h 04m 04s of light travel time from Earth
Quote of the day:
"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
~ Lao Tzu, ancient Chinese Taoist philosopher

Today is the last day of May - fortunately it is only an EOM, not an EOQ, and we didn't have any loan closings or draw fundings to deal with.  We did have to get out all the participation remittances to the credit unions so their EOM trial balances would match ours, however.

It all got done, but all of us are a bit worse from wear and tear today

This Monday didn't even pretend to be a Wednesday!  It started when I was leaving, got all the way down to the car, ready to get in and pull out, and realized I didn't have my phone with me.  It was at that point I decided the problem was that I was being tested to see if I had any patience, and made up my mind to pass that test.  Back into the building, wait for the elevator, up 20 floors, walk down the hall, unlock the door, and the phone was sitting right there, where I put it down instead of slipping it into the pocket on the purse.  Lock the door, walk down the hall, wait for the ....

You get the idea

Then?  Traffic was close to gridlock on 29 - the beltway was backed up so all the alternate access routes were too.  Took me twice as long to get to work as usual.  

Got into work, chatted for a bit, went to log in ....  er....  No internet.  No WIFI.  No files' access.  No emails.  No phone.  Checked with everyone else - it was the whole office.  Started trying to call IT - managed to remember extensions and left three voice mails.    Sent email to help desk using my phone, after changing my settings so the phone only used cellular data.  

After about an hour, one of the loan officers with a company phone got a message from IT - they had emailed to let us know a data center had gone offline and branches, plus online banking, the IT helpdesk app, and PBS were down.   Yes you read that correctly - IT emailed PBS to tell us our email wasn't working.

Took almost three hours to get us up and running.

In the meantime, the new credit analyst showed up at 8:30 AM.  The credit manager, with remarkable sang-froid, gave her a tour of the office, introduced her to everyone, then took her to an early lunch.

The afternoon was spent setting up the EOM [I think I'm going to be out in the checking account], making sure IT actually logged the new analyst into the phone, PBS server, and email group.  Then, helping her to set up her phone contacts - we use a VOIP phone system called Genesys - referenced the PBS folders, and ended up going through and explaining the structure of our online documentation 

Had to stop at the management office because Chewy replaced the cat food order that was swiped out of the mail room and FedEx delivered it to the central packing room instead of putting it in my building's Amazon HUB.  It's a very heavy package, and what I did was open the box and put everything in the little wheeled satchel I have in my trunk and then broke down the box and left it in recycling, then put it in the trunk until I got the car parked in the garage, took it out, and wheeled it to the elevator and then to the apartment.

I am worn out - time to prop of my feet and veg.

Good thing I made up my mind this morning that nothing was going to get my goat today!  Otherwise I would be emotionally flatlining as well as just fatigued.


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