Day 146 - just chilling

 Today is the 7th day of the 21st week, the 27th day of the 5th month, the 147th day of 2023, and:

  • Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day
  • International Jazz Day
  • Joe Cool Day - is the Peanuts gang still a thing these days, or am I showing my age again?  My granddaughters certainly don't know anything about Snoopy et al 
  • Julia Pierpont Day - some sites list this as the 28th, but West Virginia declared this a holiday in 2005.  She is often credited with the origination of Decoration Day, which became Memorial Day  
  • National Cellophane Tape Day
  • National Grape Day
  • National Grape Popsicle Day
  • National Gray Day
  • National Italian Beef Day
  • National Learn to Swim Day
  • Nothing to Fear Day
  • Old-Time Player Piano - Grandmom Riley had one of those and she had the music books and the old cylinders to make it work.  It fascinated me, but she didn't like setting it up to play and I only remember her doing it once or twice after I pestered her.  I used to tinkle on the keys a bit, but never actually learned how to play.  I have no idea what Aunt Nell did with it when Grandmom died 
  • Sunscreen Protection Day
  • first quarter of the moon at 11:23 AM EDT
  • Voyager 1 is 22h 03m 49s of light travel time from Earth
Quote of the day:
"Unless we remember we cannot understand."
~ EM Forster,  prolific English author

For some reason last night, I awoke in the wee hours and couldn't get back to sleep, so I was up for about two hours noodling around online, then went back to bed and slept all the way to 8:30 AM!  That is pretty late for me, and I am surprised Triscuit let me get way with deferring breakfast that long.  Kula would've been yowling at 5:30 AM [and often got cursed at, but he did get fed because he wouldn't shut up and that cat could yowl VERY loudly], and Panda would've been nudging me around 7 AM.  I don't like getting up that late, or even taking naps in the afternoon, because I feel like I am wasting my life away - not that I had anything specific to do today.

One always feels vaguely guilty when the question is asked:  "what do you plan to do today?"  and you reply "nothing."

I mean there are couple of things that I have to get done today, other than the obvious feeding and caring for me body, like climb up and take down the kitchen clock because the battery died yesterday, or get my son-in-laws birthday presents wrapped and ready to take to brunch tomorrow.  

And there are a couple of things that I intend to do, like write this blog post [still can't figure out where the numbering went awry though - that is bugging me for some reason].  Other things include:  restock the shelf with the cat food that is still sitting in the delivery box; go in world, wander about a bit, hopefully do some inventory sorting, maybe start doing some landscaping; and try and work out the maze puzzle in Obduction [at what point do I just declare I am stumped and just give up on the game?  because I've made so many changes at this point that I'm hopelessly in a tangle and I cannot go further until it is fixed]; talk to my friend for the obligatory 1 - 2 hours [yes I enjoy chatting with her, no I don't feel the need to do this everyday, but she does need to have someone checking in on her as she is blind and living alone]; do some reading; maybe watch a little TV; maybe catch up with the virtual component of Balticon [can't believe such a major con is in my area and I've never been!] ....

And this is how my weekends just evaporate.  I'm guessing that if I ever retire, it will be the same.  I could be energetically cleaning house and working on the much needed downsizing.  I could be crafting or sewing.  I could be going somewhere and DOING something.  It's frustrating, because I feel like I just don't want to burn all that energy right now, but I feel somehow that I am "wasting time".... 

*shrugs*  Like I said, I'm not doing anything today 


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