Day 136 - heigh ho heigh ho....

 Today is the 4th day of the 20th week, the 17th day of the 5th month, the 136th day of 2023 [with only 220 shopping days until Christmas], and:

  • Emergency Medical Services for Children Day
  •  Feast of the Azamat [shifts with the March Equinox] 
  • International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia
  • National Cherry Cobbler Day
  • National Graduation Tassel Day
  • National Employee Health & Fitness Day
  • National Idaho Day
  • National Mushroom Hunting Day
  • National Numeracy Day
  • National Pack Rat Day
  • National Pinot Grigio Day
  • National Walnut Day
  • Same Sex Marriage Day
  • Syttende Mai - celebration of when Norway's constitution was signed in 1814
  • Turn Beauty Inside Out Day
  • World FM Day
  • World Hypertension Day
  • World Neurofibromatosis Awareness Day
  • World Stationary Day
  • World Telecommunication and Information Society Day
Quote of the day:
"If you ask me anything I don't know, I'm not going to answer."
~ Yogi Berra,  American professional baseball catcher who became a coach and manager for the Yankees, and was famous for his malapropisms

I am a thief.

Today, when going to the Starbucks to pick up my daily oatmeal, venti skim chai with one extra pump no foam no water extra hot, and a lemonade black ice tea, there was a crew working on the parking lot at one end.  There were construction cones scattered all about, included three stacked next to the handicapped parking sign for the space I parked next to.  I got my order, put it in the car and then stared once again at the stacked cones.

I've been seriously thinking about getting one to help keep my parking space from being taken; many folks have them now, usually nicked from the work being done on the property.  The current construction crew have gotten wise to this and gone to fiberglass barriers instead, keeping only a few cones in less public thoroughfares.  But ever since the confrontation with the car full of young men, who actually were rather respectful it resentful at having to move, I had had the thought in my head that obviously a sign was not doing the job with these newer tenants.   That was a confrontation that so easily could've gone horribly wrong, and I really do not want a repeat.  I have searched online [primarily on Amazon] to see if I could purchase a cone like the large ones, and haven't been very successful.    There have been other easy opportunities, but this morning I caved in.  I walked over, slid the top cone off the stack, carried it to my car and stuck it in my trunk.

The feeling of guilt isn't quite as strong as the thought "what am I going to do with this now"?  Using the cone means pulling out of the space, and placing it in the middle every time I leave, then getting out and moving it before I can pull into the space when I get home.  Really seems like more trouble than it is worth, neh?  And yet, now the cone is in my car and I can't very well take it back easily.  I mean I could, but all the reasons for taking it in the first place then come to mind.    

Is this how one's morals become tainted, how souls are collected for Satan?  How far down that slippery slope have I gone?



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