Day 114 - the last Monday of April

Today is the 2nd day of the 17th week, the 24th day of the 4th month, the 114th day of 2023, and:
  • Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day
  • National Pigs-in-a-Blanket Day
  • New Kids on the Block Day
  • Sauvignon Blanc Day
  • Saint Mark's Eve - but you have to be outside their church between 11 PM and 1 AM to see the procession of the dead - assuming your dearly departed had a regular church that is
  • World Day for Laboratory Animals
  • World Meningitis Day
Friendly warning:  Please be aware that apparently there is a TikTok rumor that today is "National Rape Day" as some sort of reaction to April being Sexual Assault Awareness Month.  Let us hope no one feels empowered to "celebrate" it and just be careful, okay?

Quote of the day:
"There are three things extremely hard:  steel, a diamond, and to know one's self."
~ Benjamin Franklin, American polymath who was active as a writer, inventor, statesman, printer, publisher, forger, and political philosopher. 

I've never made a secret of the fact that I don't like most pictures of me.  When I see myself, and realize that is how I appear to the camera, I cringe inside that isn't the me that I see in the mirror!  I guess it is rather like the first time hearing yourself on tape, when you think, "that's not me" because your voice sounds different in your head than it does to those outside.   

The construction workers started up at 8 AM sharp this morning, multiple jackhammers going at it.  They have expanded the number of parking spots cordoned off and are working busily.  Fortunately the weather is cool enough that I can keep the balcony door closed, so the racket is muted.

it has been a very Monday-ish Monday, plagued with tech issues both in logging into the work VPN and getting that blasted new phone system to actually work, plus answering auditor queries about the EOY.  But the worst part of it is I am still dealing with EOQ stuffs with a new month end looming....


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