Day 112 - do I want to be found?

Today is the 7th day of the 16th week, the 22nd day of the 4th month, the 112th day of 2023, and:

  • "In God We Trust" Day - in 1864, Congress passed an act adding this to all US coins.  It was not the original motto of the US, however
  • April Showers Day
  • Celebrate Trails Day
  • Chemists Celebrate the Earth Day
  • Earth Day - and yes, I am old enough to remember the original Earth Day - and the Whole Earth Catalog too
  • Eid al-Fitr - started at sundown last night, the 1st of Shawwal in the Islamic calendar
  • Girl Scout Leader Day
  • Global Selfie Earth Day [as per NASA]
  • International Marconi Day - always the closest Saturday to Marconi's birthday 
  • International Mother Earth Day
  • National Baseball Day
  • National Dance Day
  • National Day of Puppetry
  • National Drug Take Back Day
  • National Jelly Bean Day
  • Pet Tech Pet CPR Day
  • Record Store Day
So one of the issues I face with this blog is making it easy for readers who find one post interesting [for whatever the reason] to subscribe to get regular updates.  When I find a blog that I want to follow, I add it to my aggregate reader, Newsblur.  That's where I landed when the Google Reader (( can we take a moment to mourn the number of very useful products Google has ruthlessly axed? I wish they would try going to a subscription model before just wiping the service out )) was discontinued.   It is worth the modest annual fee, at least to me, for I like to keep an eye on a wide range of topics without necessarily hopping all over the internet. 

One factor in the move to Blogger from CeoExpress  was they stopped the ability to subscribe to the blog via email.  And, on the left of blog posts here, there is a menu bar that offers to give you more info on me via my profile and there you can subscribe to posts and/or comments.  

Except?  I have tested then and don't particularly like these options - Atom is a feed reader apparently and returns gibberish for most of us.  Netvibes and Yahoo both require you to log in with an account.   Now I used to have an active Yahoo account, so I logged in there to see what kind of rigmarole one has to go through.  Or rather I tried to - of course my existing password, or at least the one I remember, is wrong and has to be reset with a verification sent to my email - so the experiment failed as Yahoo never sent a code.   Setting up an email subscription in Blogger is not easy; I get the heebie jeebies when I have to venture back into html coding,   And I have to sign up for another Google product  ((not that they don't have all my info already, neh? )), and I have to wonder just how long they will continue providing this one!  

I have  Substack account, and am following the new notes.  I also have created my own feed - but that looks to be more like another blogging site like Penzu, so I'm not sure I am ready to post the same thing in multiple places and I am most definitely not ready to migrate again!  

Okay, it's Saturday and I have other things to do both online and around the home.  I'll just keep posting the links in Facebook, Mastodon, Substack Notes, and Twitter [ until it completes imploding at least ] and occasionally sharing a particular link if I think the subject might interest someone in other discussions.   Maybe some day it will be more important to let the world find me than it is right now....


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