Day 112 - do I want to be found?
- "In God We Trust" Day - in 1864, Congress passed an act adding this to all US coins. It was not the original motto of the US, however
- April Showers Day
- Celebrate Trails Day
- Chemists Celebrate the Earth Day
- Earth Day - and yes, I am old enough to remember the original Earth Day - and the Whole Earth Catalog too
- Eid al-Fitr - started at sundown last night, the 1st of Shawwal in the Islamic calendar
- Girl Scout Leader Day
- Global Selfie Earth Day [as per NASA]
- International Marconi Day - always the closest Saturday to Marconi's birthday
- International Mother Earth Day
- National Baseball Day
- National Dance Day
- National Day of Puppetry
- National Drug Take Back Day
- National Jelly Bean Day
- Pet Tech Pet CPR Day
- Record Store Day
So one of the issues I face with this blog is making it easy for readers who find one post interesting [for whatever the reason] to subscribe to get regular updates. When I find a blog that I want to follow, I add it to my aggregate reader, Newsblur. That's where I landed when the Google Reader (( can we take a moment to mourn the number of very useful products Google has ruthlessly axed? I wish they would try going to a subscription model before just wiping the service out )) was discontinued. It is worth the modest annual fee, at least to me, for I like to keep an eye on a wide range of topics without necessarily hopping all over the internet.
Except? I have tested then and don't particularly like these options - Atom is a feed reader apparently and returns gibberish for most of us. Netvibes and Yahoo both require you to log in with an account. Now I used to have an active Yahoo account, so I logged in there to see what kind of rigmarole one has to go through. Or rather I tried to - of course my existing password, or at least the one I remember, is wrong and has to be reset with a verification sent to my email - so the experiment failed as Yahoo never sent a code. Setting up an email subscription in Blogger is not easy; I get the heebie jeebies when I have to venture back into html coding, And I have to sign up for another Google product ((not that they don't have all my info already, neh? )), and I have to wonder just how long they will continue providing this one!
I have Substack account, and am following the new notes. I also have created my own feed - but that looks to be more like another blogging site like Penzu, so I'm not sure I am ready to post the same thing in multiple places and I am most definitely not ready to migrate again!
Okay, it's Saturday and I have other things to do both online and around the home. I'll just keep posting the links in Facebook, Mastodon, Substack Notes, and Twitter [ until it completes imploding at least ] and occasionally sharing a particular link if I think the subject might interest someone in other discussions. Maybe some day it will be more important to let the world find me than it is right now....
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