day 102

 Today is the 4th day of the 15th week, the 12th day of the 4th month, the 102nd day of 2023, and:

  • Belmont-Paul Women's Equality Monument Day
  • Big Wind Day - in  the morning of this day in 1934 weather surveyors at the observatory  on Mt Washington in New Hampshire recorded the highest natural wind speed on Earth at 231 mph
  • Drop Everything and Read Day
  • International Day for Street Children
  • International Day of Human Space Flight
  • International Day of Pink
  • National Bookmobile Day
  • National For Twelves Day
  • National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
  • National Licorice Day
  • National Only Child Day
  • National Spring Signing Day
  • RAINN Day [Rape Abuse Incest National Networ]
  • Russian Cosmonaut Day - on this day in 1961, humans first entered the final frontier
  • School Librarians' Day
  • Walk on Your Wild Side Day
  • Wear a Star Day - to commemorate those who we remember as stars in the heavens now
  • Yuri's Night
Quote of the day:
"We are no longer happy so soon as we wish to be happier."
~ Walter Savage Lander, English writer, poet, and activist

Cue my usual complaints this time of year because as much as I love my apartment, it is in an older building with an older heating/cooling system and there can only be either heat or A/C.  In the fall, the transition isn't so bad because being on the 20th floor, my place is warmer than the rest of the building and I have space heaters.

But oh the transition from winter to spring!!!

Housing laws dictate that landlords have to have heat available until there are three consecutive nights above 65°F.  So not only do I not have A/C as temps soar into the mid-80's, the HVAC units in my apartment radiate residual heat even when turned off - heat rises.

Every space A/C that I have experimented with relies on evaporation to cool the air, and with the increasing temps always comes the muggy humidity.  And the breezes die down.  So I rely on fans to move the air about and swelter until the heat is turned off, then the week or two of transition as the pipes are cleaned out, then the A/C is turned back on.

And I whine a lot.....


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