day 81

 Today is the 4th day of the 12th week, the 22nd day of the 3rd month, the 81st day of  2023, and:

  • 39 and Holding Day -  personally most "landmark" birthdays don't bother me.  I didn't mind being 30, for example, but turning 31 and being over 30 bugged me a bit....
  • American Red Cross Giving Day
  • As Young as You Feel Day
  • Gryffindor Pride Day
  • International Day of the Seal
  • National Bavarian Crepes Day
  • National Goof-off Day
  • National Sing Out Day
  • Ramadan (( starts at sundown and lasts until 04.20 ))
  • Talk Like William Shatner Day - Captain Kirk is 92 today!
  • Tuskegee Airman Day
  • World Water Day
  • World Day of Mette
  • the earliest day on which Easter Sunday can fall - last happened in 1818 and will not happen until 2285.  The latest day it can fall is April 25th
Like many holidays, Ramadan's occurrence is tied to the moon, and the entire month is devoted to fasting, reflection, and spiritual growth for the Islamic peoples  The month marks the revelation of the Quran to Mohammed, and altho the dates are above, it turns out that is not set in stone, because in depends on when the crescent moon is sighted.  In some places the crescent moon has not been sighted yet, which means some locations will not start their month of celebration for a day of two. From dawn to dusk, they avoid eating, drinking, smoking, and sexual activity as well as unkind or impure thoughts, words, and behavior

For a celebration of such importance to such a large swathe of people, it receives remarkably little attention hereabouts, reflecting our Judeo-Christian, Western civilization culture blindness....

For those who are celebrating, may your striving in Ramadan be accepted and may you be granted all that you seek!


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