day 80 - spring is sprung

Today is the 3rd day of the 12th week, the 21st day of the 3rd month, the 80th day of 2023, and:

  • 3-D Day - the third day of the third week of the third month
  • Education Freedom Day
  • Gallo Wine Day 
  • Independence Day - Namibia from South African Mandate in 1990
  • International Colour Day
  • International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination  (( *ponders* does posting this mean my blog will be banned in Florida for promoting CRT? ))
  • International Day of Forests
  • Memory Day
  • Mother's Day - across the Arab world
  • National Agriculture Day
  • National California Strawberry Day
  • National Common Courtesy Day
  • National Crunchy Taco Day
  • National Day of Action on Syringe Exchange
  • National Flower Day
  • National Fragrance Day (( perfume day is in April ))
  • National Healthy Fats Day
  • National Renewable Energy Day
  • National Single Parents Day
  • National Teenager Day
  • Naw-Rúz - always observed the 1st day of the year in the Baháʼí calendar
  • Rosie the Riveter Day
  • Slytherin Pride Day
  • Twitter Day - launched this day back in 2006 
  • WE Day
  • World Down Syndrome Day
  • World Poetry Day
  • World Puppetry Day
  • World Social Work Day
  • World Tattoo Day
  • the new moon at 1:26 PM EDT
Quote of the day:

Every one of these "national" holidays means POTUS issued a proclamation or an Act of Congress was passed.  While anyone can stick the word in front of a holiday and proclaim it, every official  "international"  or "world" or "global" holiday requires a proclamation from the United Nations - which means a member state has to propose it and the General Assembly has to come to a consensus approving it.
And here you thought politicians and diplomats didn't work!

Speaking of work - the construction crew was at it bright and early today, taking advantage of the lovely weather, and they certainly have made some progress taking off the pavement

As for my work, things are moving on.  The auditors filed for a tax extension as they are still mucking around with questions - just got another set yesterday afternoon as their review was winding up   So despite the fact that we are just 10 days from the EOQ, we are still indeed dealing with EOY issues.  Unfortunately, bossman definitely views coming into the office VS working from home as a symbol of the commitment his employees have to the success of the organization, so it appears that unless I decide to go part-time, I cannot get a break on the commute.  It's not really the length of the drive and the traffic - I have made much longer and more difficult commutes - it is the amount of energy expended just getting out the door.  When I look at parents who not only have to get themselves ready to work but make sure kids are ready for school, I cannot imagine how I managed to do all that, then work, then come home, and do things around the house!

Of course, the real drain on my energy has been the ongoing lung issues and the steroids I am taking to try and resolve that issue.  I searched online, but all I could find about severe allergic reaction to Ozempic was that it was "very rare", which in medical lingo means fewer than one in 10,000 [or 0.01%] of those taking the drug  may be affected.  With odds like that?  anyone would go for it and it did do a great job managing my blood sugar.  Unfortunately, I am in that 0.01%, an honor that I could very well do without.  Over the six months of injections, I never even got to the full recommended dosage due to the other side effects of nausea etc!  The real kicker is that it took too long to isolate what was causing the skin rash, general malaise, and short windedness.  

Well I always wanted to be different and special.  I will admit this wasn't quite what I had in mind tho


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