Day 72 - dragging into the week

Today is the 2nd day of the 11th week, the 13th day of the 3rd month, the 72nd day of 2023, and:
  • Commonwealth Day
  • Dribble to Work Day
  • Earmuff Day
  • Fill Our Staplers Day
  • Intra-Uterine Growth Awareness Restriction Day
  • K-9 Veterans Day
  • Kasauga Matsuri [Shinto festival]
  • Ken Day
  • L Ron Hubbard Day - he would've been 112 today.  He actually wrote some excellent science fiction, but is also known as the founder of Scientology.  His writing could be rather turgid, so YMMV..  
  • National Coconut Torte Day
  • National Good Samaritan Day or Good Samaritan Involvement Day
  • National Jewel Day
  • National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day
  • National Workplace Napping Day - appropriately celebrated the day after DST starts.  Bet the school kids are flagging too!  Definitely a perk of working from home is that at lunchtime, you can stretch out and catch a couple of winks
  • Smart & Sexy Day
Quote of the day:
Life feels simpler when we tell ourselves there is a single truth and everything else is a deviation from that truth–an error, a lie, an ‘untruth’. It’s disturbing to imagine that we can shape reality simply by choosing a different truth. The very idea of competing truths feels slippery, disingenuous, conniving.” 
~ Hector Macdonald in Truth

I don't know anybody who actually LIKES the semi-annual ritual of changing clocks, and yet we don't seem to be able to gather a consensus even around such a thing as what time it should be, much less agree on more pressing national issues!

It has been a very long, and particularly Monday-ish day.  With any kind of luck, this will not be the kind of week that has multiple Mondays in it....


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