Day 56 - lost

It always happens on a weekend

I sleep in - all the way to 7:30 AM 

I get up, feed the cat, get dressed.  I think about all the things I can get done - today I thought doing laundry would be a good idea and I've been meaning to try out that new sewing machine.  There are a couple people I want to reach out to via email or text and maybe I'll even call them...

Then I come out to the front part of the apartment, grab a water, sit down at the computer, meander about online - check my emails, go thru some blogs in my reader, take a look at Facebook, Twitter, Mastodon, and Intagram.  Maybe I post, maybe a comment.  Grab a cup of chai.  Noodle around either in world or in a game

Decide to fix brunch, then eat.  Maybe watch a little TV, probably read.  And lately,  feeling rather worn out, I doze off.  When I awake, the afternoon is just about gone; it's starting to get dark outside.

And for all intents and purposes the day has slipped away because suddenly it is dark. I turn around and it is time to go hit the sack.


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