Day 49

Today is the 7th day of the 7th week, the 18th day of the 2nd month, and the 48th day of 2023.

Hereabouts it is a three-day weekend for those of us working a M - F type schedule.  Monday is "President's Day," always on the third Monday of February, ostensibly to celebrate both Lincoln's Birthday [on the 12th] and Washington's Birthday [on the 22nd], altho celebrating it seems to be more about the different sales as stores try to lure their customers back to buy after they have recovered from the holiday bills.   

Three days off in a row?  With pay?  I'll take it, whatever the reason!  It feels good to laze around a bit in the morning rather than rushing off to do something, be somewhere.  Catch up with the news; meander about online....

Mastadon, where I have a social media account on the server created by George Takei, gives you the ability to create a description for pictures that you post in order to assist those with low or no vision to enjoy the different submissions - and various members of the community remind us regularly to do so.  But coming up with a description can sometimes be challenging!  How much detail to go into?  Does your description really convey the picture?  Sometimes I feel more than a little inadequate to the task - my descriptions run the gamut of being rather terse [cat laying in sunbeam] to trying to be more intricate.  Take this morning's Triscuit post acknowledging that it is Saturday, for example.  

The comment with this post reads: 

#triscuittales Really? you can't let me enjoy my sunbeam in peace and quiet this Caturday? 

Here is the snapshot, and the description I placed on it:  

Triscuit gives me a rather indignant glare as I clearly interrupted her morning enjoyment of the sun streaming in from the balcony door. In the background is part of a rather impressive stuffed pig collection sitting on two antique rocking chars in front of the HVAC unit - joined by Miss Minutes, a droid and baby Yoda.

Does that capture the flavor of the picture?  Seems pretty inadequate to me....

Neither Triscuit nor Kula seemed as enamored of the sunbeam as Panda was.  She often would bask it in for as long as it shone into the apartment, sleeping peacefully, adjusting her position to follow its path across the floor.  I have many pictures of her even huddled against the balcony door when the weather was warmer trying to soak up the last rays coming in.  Triscuit, like Kula, seldom sleeps out in the open, altho when she is in the mood, she will come lay beside my chair and keep me company. 

The apartment feels like a warmer, friendlier place with my furry friends with me.  Especially as I get older and feel more fragile, I find their undemanding....   Okay, anyone who has owned a pet who thinks it is feeding time knows that "undemanding" is most definitely not a good descriptive word to use!  And they have needs for reassurance and emotional support just as any living being does.  They even talk back at times - Kula especially could be very vocal, and when displeased, would leave little "gifts" of hard turds out in the middle of the floor to let me know how he felt about my going away for a week on vacation, for example.  But it just isn't as demanding as living with another person and much easier to accommodate them.

And I think that is quite enough rambling for one morning!  I am going to spend the day in Nowhereville, as the spring thaw needs to set in and all that snow that came in December needs to go away....

I'm not even going to comment on the fact that it is "Cow Milked While Flying In an Airplane Day".


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